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Press Release

April 20, 2017

ISIS and Al-Qaeda, Linked by Roots in Muslim Brotherhood, Discuss Alliance

Rivals ISIS and al-Qaeda, are reportedly discussing forging an alliance. Although they split in 2014 and have been competing since, CEP notes that their shared origins in the Muslim Brotherhood and its ideology based on the writings of Sayyid Qutb...

CounterPoint Blog

The AKP may lose even if Erdogan wins

Turkish voters will decide on April 16 whether their country’s parliamentary system, where the prime minister is chosen by elected lawmakers, should be replaced by a presidential model with a strong executive. Should the constitutional referendum...


April 13, 2017

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller on MSNBC

CEP Spokesperson and Senior Policy Advisor Tara Maller spoke on MSNBC about chemical attacks in Syria.

Press Release

April 12, 2017

ISIS Church Bombings Fit Pattern of Targeting Christian, Jewish Sites

The April 9 ISIS bombings at two Coptic Christian churches in Egypt that killed 49 people fit a grisly pattern of extremists targeting Christian and Jewish sites, CEP noted, in releasing its new analysis report, Terror Targets in the West: Where and...

Press Release

April 7, 2017

CEP Condemns Truck Attack in Stockholm, Releases Resource on Vehicles as Terror Weapons

CEP today released a statement in response to a vehicular attack in downtown Stockholm, Sweden, and a new resource on the use of cars and trucks as weapons of terrorism. The resource notes that attacks using vehicles were carried out beginning in...

CounterPoint Blog

Cars and Trucks as Weapons of Terror

On March 22, 2017, terrorist assailant Khalid Masood killed five people during a vehicle and stabbing attack in London. The following day, a similar attack was thwarted in Antwerp, Belgium. On April 7, another assailant carried out a suspected...


April 5, 2017

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller on Fox Business

CEP Spokesperson and Senior Policy Advisory Tara Maller speaks with Fox's Neil Cavuto regarding Trump administration's foreign policy.

Press Release

April 4, 2017

New Handbook to Assist German Educators with Radicalisation, Complex Cultural Issues

CEP and the European Foundation for Democracy (EFD), at an event held in Berlin, Germany, today announced the publication of a handbook designed to help German educators understand and properly respond to difficult and sensitive cultural and...

Press Release

April 3, 2017

CEP Condemns Bomb Attack on Russian Metro

CEP strongly condemned today's terror attack carried out on the St. Petersburg Metro that claimed the lives of at least 10 people. The CEP statement read in part, "We must continue to be diligent and relentless in our fight to confront radicalization...


March 31, 2017

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller on MSNBC

CEP Spokesperson and Senior Policy Advisor discusses cybersecurity and hacking in MSNBC.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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