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Press Release

May 22, 2017

Four Years After Lee Rigby’s Murder, Online Radicalization, Vehicle Attacks Still Plague U.K.

On May 22, 2013, British soldier Lee Rigby was rammed with a car and then brutally hacked to death. Four years later, CEP has found that the plague of online radicalization and vehicle attacks still haunt the U.K., prompting lawmakers in a May 1...

Press Release

May 17, 2017

Sudan’s Ruling NCP Party Steeped in Controversy

CEP released a new report that traces the rise of Sudan’s National Congress Party and longtime President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, who was charged with genocide and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court in 2008. The NCP has hosted...

Press Release

May 15, 2017

Iranian Elections: No Matter the Outcome, Doctrine of Khomeini Will Continue to Dominate Iran

Regardless of the outcome of the Iranian presidential election May 19, total political and military power will continue to rest in the hands of Iran’s supreme leader, due to a system of rules established 38 years ago by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini...

Press Release

May 10, 2017

CEP Spotlights Extremism and Counter-Extremism from Albania to Yemen

CEP released 10 new reports on extremism and counter-extremism efforts, expanding to 38 the number of countries profiled in conjunction with an interactive map tool that pinpoints the geographic scope and impact of extremist and terrorist groups.


May 8, 2017

Allies at a minimum share our interests, support our basic policies, and see common enemies. By this measure, Qatar is most definitely not an ally. Few countries have done more to promote the Muslim Brotherhood, including its Palestinian offshoot...

Press Release

May 8, 2017

Rooted in Ideology: Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood

CEP released a new report, the Muslim Brotherhood in the Palestinian Territories. Despite Hamas's attempts to erase its connections to the worldwide Islamist group, Hamas remains indelibly a Muslim Brotherhood institution, as its new policy document...

Press Release

May 4, 2017

Are Tech Companies Doing Enough to Remove Extremist Content?

A new CEP resource compares the terms of service of major Internet companies and social media platforms. CEP found that while most companies’ terms of service prohibit content that promotes terror and violence, the continuing scourge of...

Press Release

May 2, 2017

Hamas Updates Message, but Violent Ideology, Mission Remain Unchanged

CEP said today that cosmetic policy language announced by Hamas does not translate to changes in the group’s violent and extremist ideology. At a Doha, Qatar press conference, Hamas released the policy document, which does not replace its 1988...

CounterPoint Blog

The Not Really New Hamas Political Platform

In a bid to better its international standing, Hamas unveiled its new political platform May 1 in Qatar. Despite what are being marketed as ideological compromises, the new document is depressingly similar to its old political platform. What it...

Press Release

April 27, 2017

ISIS’s Systematic Brutality Against Religious Communities Continues

As Pope Francis prepares for a peace-building trip to Egypt, CEP released a new report detailing the extent of ISIS’s ongoing campaign of genocidal violence and incendiary rhetoric against Muslims, Yazidis, Christians, and Mandaeans, and other...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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