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Press Release

March 30, 2017

London Attacker Lived in U.K. City Burdened by Past Links to Well-Known Extremists

London terrorist Khalid Masood—who killed four people and wounded dozens in London March 22—lived in Luton, a town known as a bastion of Islamic and far-right extremism. In its newest report, CEP profiles 10 areas in Europe, Australia, and North...

Press Release

March 29, 2017

Encrypted Messaging Platform WhatsApp’s Role in U.S. Terror Cases

The investigation into the March 22 London terror attack has focused in part on the Khalid Masood's possible use of encrypted application WhatsApp minutes before killing three pedestrians and a police officer. CEP has found that WhatsApp has also...

Press Release

March 27, 2017

CEP Analysis: Converts Who Became Foreign Fighters, Recruiters, and Domestic Terrorists

As terrorist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda continue to search for new followers capable of being radicalized to violence, CEP is releasing a new report that explores the diverse backgrounds of 131 American, Canadian, European, and Australian converts...


March 26, 2017

David Ibsen, who is executive ­director of the Counter Extremism ­Project, a New York think tank which combats online extremism, warned that the battle against jihadi groups would increasingly be fought on the ­internet. He told The Sunday Telegraph...


March 26, 2017

The PlayStation Network’s instant messaging service, which can be used on a smartphone, was described by Belgian interior minister Jan Jambon as the trickiest server for anti-terror forces to decrypt. New York-based Counter Extremism Project last...

Press Release

March 24, 2017

Advertiser Revolt Underscores Need for Google to Address Ubiquity of Extremist Content on YouTube

CEP said today that while Google has promised to revamp its policies after American and European companies complained of ads appearing next to extremist videos on YouTube, a bigger problem is the presence of more than 70,000 Anwar Al-Awlaki videos on...


March 24, 2017

For over a decade YouTube has engaged in a scorched earth policy against anyone cajoling it to police its content for hate and incitement content directly implicated in the radicalization of American ISIS terrorists. Shamefully hiding behind the...


March 23, 2017

CEP President Fran Townsend discusses the Investigation process used in the London terror attack near the British Parliament on CBS This Morning.


March 23, 2017

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller discusses CEP's efforts to combat online extremism by pressuring Internet and social media companies to remove the most violent and dangerous types of extremist content using technology.


March 23, 2017

CEP Research Director Julie Shain discusses the London terror attacker and methods used by ISIS and other extremist groups to pump out radicalizing propaganda online, radicalize and inspire attacks.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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