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Grooming the Next Generation of ISIS Terror

In the string of grisly videos released in the past seven months, beginning with ISIS’ execution of James Foley through the February beheading of 21 Coptic Christians, there is one that haunts me most. It is not one that showcases the devastating...

Press Release

March 18, 2015

Counter Extremism Project Condemns Attack at National Bardo Museum in Tunisia

(New York, NY) – The following is a statement from Fran Townsend, President of the Counter Extremism Project: “The Counter Extremism Project condemns the horrifying attack on the National Bardo Museum in Tunisia. This murderous incident at one of the...

CounterPoint Blog

Girls in CrISIS

Glasgow girl, Aqsa Mahmoud, wrote on Tumblr from Syria: “The media at first used to [portray] the ones running away to join the Jihad [holy war] as being unsuccessful, [and say that they] didn’t have a future and [came] from broke down families etc...


June 30, 2015

A new transatlantic campaign has pledged to challenge extremist groups like ISIS which misuse the internet to spread their radicalising and extremist ideology and recruit vulnerable Europeans to fight in overseas conflict zones including Iraq and...

Press Release

March 13, 2015

Counter Extremism Project Resource Traces Violent Rise of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) is releasing a resource profiling the violent Islamist group al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), whose history of attacks reach far beyond its mountainous headquarters in Yemen. The Wall Street Journal today...

Press Release

March 12, 2015

Counter Extremism Project Releases New Report on Somali Extremist Group Al-Shabab

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) is releasing a new report profiling Somali violent Islamist group al-Shabab following its recent heightened wave of violence, including assassinations, suicide bombings, and an attack at the Hotel SYL in Mogadishu...

CounterPoint Blog

China’s Wild West

China’s largest province, Xinjiang, could become another front in the global war on terror if the government’s policies against Uyghur separatism do not become more nuanced soon. Marginalized from the country’s economic boom, separatists from the...

Press Release

March 9, 2015

Counter Extremism Project Releases Updated Resources on Boko Haram and ISIS

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) is releasing updated resources on Boko Haram and ISIS following Boko Haram’s swearing of allegiance to ISIS. While small extremist groups in Libya, Algeria, Egypt, and Afghanistan have pledged fidelity to ISIS’s...

CounterPoint Blog

Religious Extremism Across Faiths

More than 20,000 foreign fighters from 80 countries have joined the ranks of ISIS and other extremist groups in Iraq and Syria. Somewhat surprisingly, of that total, almost 4,000 fighters have come from Western Europe. Why would so many leave...

CounterPoint Blog

Chances of Another Hezbollah-Israeli War Unlikely

A January 18 Israeli airstrike on a Hezbollah convoy in Syria left six dead, including a senior Iranian general who had been advising the Syrian military. The strike had been in response to Syrian rocket fire within the Israeli-controlled Golan...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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