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Press Release

February 27, 2015

Counter Extremism Project Calls For INA Section 219 Prohibitions On "Material Support" For Terror Groups To Apply To Social Media Companies And Users

CEP applauds Rep. Ted Poe's effort to prevent radical extremists from misusing social media platforms for terror CEP calls on all elected officials to join Chairman Poe in the application of the material support prohibitions in the context of social...

CounterPoint Blog

Prisons – Incubators for Extremists

What do the perpetrators of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and Copenhagen have in common? Beyond the similarity of their chosen targets, three of the four men were homegrown Islamist extremists radicalized in European prisons. Paris shooters...


February 25, 2015

The nonprofit Counter Extremism Project has a petition on its website with the goal of leveraging Twitter to better prevent ISIL’s activities online. CEP CEO Mark Wallace labels the social platform’s current approach as "hands off," citing long...

CounterPoint Blog

Extremism – The Charitable Thing To Do?

The United Arab Emirates labeled two U.S. non-profit groups, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim American Society, as terrorist organizations in late 2014 due to connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. The U.S. has not...

CounterPoint Blog

The Foreign Fighter Phenomenon

As many as 20,730 foreigners have joined armed militant groups in Iraq and Syria, making the two countries the most popular destinations for Muslim foreigner fighters in modern history. While garnering tremendous media attention of late, the...


February 18, 2015

A recent report compiled by a Brookings Institute fellow to be published next month by the Brooking's Institution identified up to 46,000 Twitter accounts that were operated by ISIS sympathizers last fall.


February 18, 2015

But former George W. Bush White House counterterrorism adviser Fran Townsend, who heads a private group called the Counter Extremism Project, which has been sharply critical of Twitter, said the FBI and U.S. intelligence agencies have "plenty of...


February 17, 2015

One group, the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) has been working to flag any account containing violent content - and found Twitter has only closed down a small number of problem accounts. CEP reached out to Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, hoping to work...

CounterPoint Blog

Right-Wing Groups In EU Gaining Political Clout

Right-wing extremist groups have traditionally rejected democratic values, particularly equality. They have, however, used the democratic process to gain strength across Europe in recent years. Last year, right-wing extremist political parties...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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