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July 31, 2015

Key allies in the US and UK led war on Islamic State (IS) are covertly financing the terrorist movement according to senior political sources in the region. US and British oil companies are heavily invested in the murky geopolitical triangle...

Press Release

July 30, 2015

CEP Releases Reports on New Global Propagandists, Leaders, and Terror Financiers

The Counter Extremism Project added reports on spiritual advisors Musa Robert Cerantonio and Ahmad Musa Jibril and 18 others to the Global Extremist Registry, a searchable database of the world’s most notorious extremist leaders, propagandists...


July 29, 2015

Kicking U.S.-based ISIS supporters off social media could provoke them to engage in lone-wolf attacks, according to a report prepared for the Department of Homeland Security and obtained by The Intercept.

CounterPoint Blog

More Classrooms, Fewer Courtrooms Needed in Pakistan

For more than a decade now, a debate has raged over whether Pakistan is an ally or a foe in the battle against violent extremism. In Western media, analysis usually focuses on Pakistan’s weak civil central government, the virulently anti-Indian...

Press Release

July 28, 2015

CEP Releases New Resource on Violent Islamist Group Ansar al-Sharia in Libya

Competition among extremist groups defines Libya today. CEP profiles one of the most powerful, Ansar al-Sharia in Libya (ASL), the union of two smaller groups that took part in the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate that killed four Americans...

Press Release

July 24, 2015

CEP Releases New Resource on the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan

CEP is releasing a new resource on the origins, leadership and violent history of the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. As the U.S. draws down forces, the Afghan government is battling ncreased Taliban attacks while simultaneously pursuing peace...

Press Release

July 22, 2015

CEP Releases Resources on Khorasan Leader Reportedly Killed by U.S. Air Strike and His Likely Successor

CEP is releasing updated resources on Muhsin al-Fadhli, the leader of the secretive Khorasan group who was reportedly killed by a U.S. drone strike in Syria, as well as his likely successor and deputy, Sanafi al-Nasr.

CounterPoint Blog

The Best of Frenemies

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend," goes an ancient proverb. New common enemies in today’s Middle East might not turn old foes into friends, but they may at least create a détente, allowing adversaries to join together against larger threats. One...


July 21, 2015

When a lone terrorist slaughtered 38 tourists at a Tunisian resort on June 26, the Islamic State turned to social media to claim credit and warn of more attacks on the world's nonbelievers.


July 18, 2015

U.S. authorities are still investigating whether the Thursday attack on a military recruiting center and a Navy support center is an act of domestic terrorism, but jihadist sympathizers on Twitter wasted little time declaring it one.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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