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July 2, 2015

The Islamic State’s deadly plots against Western targets are on the rise, spiking to 28 this year while the group is steadily expanding its supporter base in the U.S., according to a “Terror Threat Snapshot” circulated by Rep. Michael T. McCaul...


July 2, 2015

On the sidelines of the launch of CEP in the European continent, August Hanning, ex-Director of the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) told Alhayat newspaper he does not see an "end in sight to the conflict in Syria." He added that the...


July 2, 2015

Called the "Counter Extremism Project Europe," or CEP Europe, the group is a partnership between like-minded organizations in the U.S. and Europe. The group vows to challenge the terror group's use of the Internet to recruit and radicalize young...


July 2, 2015

The Islamic State’s deadly plots against Western targets are on the rise, spiking to 28 this year while the group is steadily expanding its supporter base in the U.S., according to a “Terror Threat Snapshot” circulated by Rep. Michael T. McCaul...


July 2, 2015

Mark Wallace, head of Counter Extremism Project (CEP) in Europe told Asharq Alawsat newspaper that more than 40,000 accounts which support and back extremist ISIL organization are presently active on Twitter. At the same time, he ruled out the idea...


July 1, 2015

Terrorists are increasingly turning to the Internet and social media to launch "well-organized, concerted social media campaigns to recruit followers and to promote or glorify acts of terrorism or violent extremism", says Europol. Twitter has been...


July 1, 2015

Following the suicide bombing in a Shiite mosque in Kuwait, many people took to Twitter and created the hashtag, which, when translated, means: "Before You Blow Yourself Up." The hashtag of condemnation called for fundamentalists to think of their...


June 30, 2015

The head of a leading Brussels policy institute has called for a “multi-faceted”approach to combating the “narrative” of terrorist groups such as Islamic State. The “Counter Extremism Project Europe” (CEP Europe), a partnership between the European...

CounterPoint Blog

EU Far Right Exploits Fear of Terrorism

It’s no secret that right-wing groups in Europe are gaining momentum. Organizations and political parties such as France’s National Front, Hungary’s Jobbik, Greek's Golden Dawn and Italy’s Forza Nuova are gaining popularity as the people of Europe...


June 30, 2015

The “Counter Extremism Project Europe” (CEP Europe) is a partnership between organisations in the U.S. and Europe and among other projects including the launch of an innovative counter narrative seeks to combat the use of social media to radicalise...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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