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August 31, 2015

In the spring of 1995, 20-year-old Brandeis University student Alisa Flatow, who was studying at a women’s seminary in Israel, boarded a bus bound for the beach. She never reached her destination. A suicide bomber from Iranian-sponsored Palestinian...

Press Release

August 28, 2015

CEP Statement on ISIS Recruiter and Propagandist Junaid Hussain, a.k.a. Abu Hussain al Britani, Reportedly Killed by U.S. Airstrike

British ISIS recruiter and propagandist Junaid Hussain was reportedly killled in Syria by a U.S. airstrike. In a statement, CEP said it hopes the strike will weaken ISIS’s online ability to radicalize, recruit, and incite to violence.


August 28, 2015

A 21-year-old British hacker who was a member of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was killed in a U.S. military airstrike earlier this week, the Pentagon confirmed Friday. "We can confirm that Junaid Hussain, an ISIS operative was killed in...


August 27, 2015

The almost singular focus by the United States and some of its coalition partners on defeating the group known as the Islamic State appears to be giving new life to the group's chief rival. U.S. intelligence officials say despite hitting a low point...

CounterPoint Blog

Jihadi v. Jihadi

At the funeral of a slain police officer, Ahmet Camur, Turkish President Recep Erdogan stated, “We bid a farewell to our martyr that we believe has reached martyrdom. How happy is his family, how happy his nears!” The cult of martyrdom is a well...

CounterPoint Blog

Dress to Impress the Caliph

CounterPoint Blog

Three Cheers for Prime Minister Cameron’s Speech

The modern culture of the West tends to promote tolerance and respect for individuals, including those in immigrant or minority ethnic communities, no matter how illiberal their worldview, as long as they are not violent. Thus, while Western...


August 7, 2015

President Obama has seen fit to re-open diplomatic relationships with our most longstanding opponents in order to advance U.S. security interests. To talk with our most egregious adversaries while abandoning imperfect but proven allies like Malaysia...

Press Release

August 6, 2015

CEP Releases New Resource on Violent Southeast Asian Islamist Group Jemaah Islamiyah

Southeast Asian Jihadist group Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) made international headlines with bombings targeting tourists in Bali in 2002 and 2005 that killed 222 people, but the group has a long and violent history spanning decades.

CounterPoint Blog

Giving Voice to American Jihadists

Freedom of speech and freedom of religion are key rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Unfortunately, there are some in our country who have used the Constitution as an enabling device to further their advocacy of violent ideologies and...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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