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Assad’s “Military Solution” for Aleppo

Reading - and watching - the news out of Syria, it is difficult for observers to find grounds for optimism. The “peace talks” hosted by the United Nations collapsed in Geneva before they ever reached takeoff speed. The “cessation of hostilities”...


March 10, 2016

The Counter Extremism Project, a New York-based nonprofit aimed at combating extremist ideologies and groups, is pressing Sony on the extent of terrorist communication on the PlayStation 4 network. It is also asking what steps Sony is taking to tamp...

CounterPoint Blog

U.S. Supreme Court Final Hurdle for Terror Victims

The families of American victims of Iranian-sponsored terrorism could soon see a small measure of justice in the form of financial compensation after many years of pursuing legal action against Iran. However, as surprising as it sounds, the last...

Press Release

February 29, 2016

CEP Resource Details History, Violent Activities of White Supremacist Group the Ku Klux Klan

(New York, NY) – The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) today released a new resource that documents the history, beliefs, violent activities, and evolution of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), America’s oldest and best known white supremacist organization...


February 29, 2016

In this op-ed, CEP Research Analyst Julie Shain applauds the UN Security Council for voting unanimously to crack down financially and militarily on the Islamic State (IS), but argues that UN sanctions must be broadened to respond effectively to IS’s...

CounterPoint Blog

Single EU Border and Coast Guard Proposed to Address Security Threats

On December 15, the European Commission unveiled plans for a single, EU-wide Border and Coast Guard. The Commission’s proposal comes in response to the roughly 1.5 million refugees who crossed into the European Union “illegally” in 2015, an...


February 22, 2016

Officials and analysts hope the new European Counter Terror Center will prove valuable both in the short and long term, though they admit it alone will likely not be enough to deter Europe’s next major terror attack. “It’s part of a menu of things...

CounterPoint Blog

ISIS’s Dangerous Weapons Arsenal: Exposed

ISIS shootings, suicide bombings, and mass beheadings are documented on a daily basis. However troubling these frequent reports may be, the broader picture is even more frightening; the terror group has amassed far more firepower than explosives and...


February 16, 2016

Facebook Inc., the world's largest social media network, is more aggressively monitoring material on its site relating to terrorism. Mark Wallace of the Counter Extremism Project, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told The Wall Street...


February 11, 2016

Hours after the December shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., Mark Wallace asked his employees at the nonprofit Counter Extremism Project to comb social media for profiles of the alleged attackers. They failed. A team at Facebook Inc. had already...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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