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Press Release

March 31, 2016

CEP Resource Details History, Ideology of Global Islamist Movement Hizb ut-Tahrir

CEP released a new resource detailing the history, leadership, growth and beliefs of Hizb ut-Tahrir, an Islamist organization operating in 40 countries that advocates for the establishment of a global caliphate.

CounterPoint Blog

Afghan Fulbrighters for Peace Seek to Reduce Violence in Afghanistan

A group of Afghan Fulbright Scholars began an initiative in July 2015 called Afghan Fulbrighters for Peace (AFP), an effort to mobilize Afghans in the United States to engage in policy debates relevant to their country. First, AFP established a...

CounterPoint Blog

Confronting the Drivers of Radicalism

The triple bombings in Brussels that killed 31 people serves as a reminder that despite almost 15 years since 9/11, there has been a fundamental failure among Muslims from the government level down to the community level to confront the sectarian...

Press Release

March 25, 2016

CEP Releases New Resources on ISIS Attackers and Extremism in Belgium Following Brussels Bombings

CEP released new resources on ISIS terrorists as well as extremism and counter-extremism in Belgium in the aftermath of the March 22 bombings that killed 31 people in attacks at Zaventem airport and Maelbeek metro station.


March 23, 2016

The DNA of Najim Laachraoui was verified as that of one of the attackers on Tuesday, after samples were taken from remains found at the blast site in Brussels airport. Born in Morocco, Laachraoui grew up in Schaerbeek, where he reportedly attended a...

Press Release

March 22, 2016

CEP Condemns Attacks in Belgium

Following is a statement from CEP CEO Ambassador Mark D. Wallace and President Frances F. Townsend “Following the attacks in Paris last November that killed 130 – planned and carried out in part by individuals with connections to Belgium, including...


March 22, 2016

Roberta Bonazzi was on her way to a meeting in Brussels Tuesday when she heard the startling news of two airport terrorist bombings. Ironically, Bonazzi heads the Counter Extremism Project’s Brussels office — situated close to the Maelbeek metro...

Press Release

March 17, 2016

CEP Applauds Secretary Kerry for Declaration of ISIS Genocide

CEP issued a statement applauding Secretary of State John Kerry for declaring that ISIS has been committing genocide against minority groups under its control, including Yezidis, Christians, and Shia Muslims.

CounterPoint Blog

Social Media Company Representatives Appear before U.K. Parliament Committee

On 2 February 2016, representatives of tech giants Google, Facebook, and Twitter appeared in front of the U.K. Parliament’s Home Affairs Select Committee as part of its Countering Extremism Inquiry.

Press Release

March 11, 2016

A PlayStation for Extremists: CEP Calls on Sony to Address Misuse of Popular Gaming Network

The Counter Extremism Project called on Sony Corp. to take steps to prevent terrorists from misusing its popular PlayStation 4 Network (PSN4) to communicate, recruit, and possibly plan future attacks.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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