CEP in the News


June 12, 2016

This article about the killing of 49 people at an Orlando, Florida, gay nightclub quotes heavly from CEP's research report, "ISIS's Persecution of the Gay Community."


May 31, 2016

CEP Spokesperson and Senior Policy Advisor Tara Maller offered expert analysis of both the military and civilian dimensions of the continuing battle for Fallujah, a city in the majority Sunni area of western Iraq that has been held by ISIS for...


May 19, 2016

CEP Senior Policy Advisor Tara Maller discusses the EgyptAir Crash with MSNBC host Chris Matthews.


May 19, 2016

Tara Maller, CEP Senior Policy Advisor, discusses the latest details in the investigation of the EgyptAir Crash that killed 66 people.


May 18, 2016

CEP Spokesperson and former CIA analyst Tara Maller spoke to Fox News regarding recent ISIS attacks on civilian targets in Iraq and what these shifting tactics mean for plans to defeat the terror group.


May 11, 2016

The Islamic State has found itself under attack from all fronts since October of last year. While they have gained the allegiance of dozens of terrorist groups in the African continent and Arabian Peninsula, the caliphate’s territory is shrinking as...


May 8, 2016

U.S. officials allege that energy mogul George Haswani acts as a middleman between the Islamic State, which controls much of Syria's oil and gas infrastructure, and the Syrian government. Mr. Haswani outlined a history of the gas project in a five...


July 5, 2016

A computer scientist at Dartmouth College has developed new software aimed at quickly identifying and stopping the spread of extremist videos online that are used to incite violent attacks. Dr. Hany Farid developed the software with the Counter...


May 2, 2016

A senior British jihadi, Raphael Hostey, who boasted of recruiting hundreds of Britons for Isis has reportedly been killed in Syria. Hostey used several methods in his recruitment attempts, including providing theological justification for Isis...


April 25, 2016

CEP Research Analyst Marielle Harris details in this blog the sophisticated weaponry in the possession of ISIS, including anti-aircraft missiles, chemical weapons, and programmable driverless car bombs. Harris says no one should doubt ISIS’s ability...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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