CEP in the News


June 17, 2016

"ISIL has a large cadre of Western fighters who could potentially serve as operatives for attacks in the West," CIA Director John Brennan told the Senate intelligence committee on Thursday. One way ISIS has developed its global network is through...


June 16, 2016

Social networks have long stressed they will help legitimate investigations of crimes and attacks, but have resisted efforts to police or censor the vast amounts content flowing through them. But social media groups are capable of doing more to...


June 16, 2016

New research in Science Magazine shows lone actors shouldn’t be the top priority when it comes to tracking ISIS online – groups should. In the study, computer scientists charted the ecology of pro-ISIS activity in 2015 on Europe’s biggest social...


June 16, 2016

The father of a victim of the Islamic State's deadly attacks on Paris last year is suing Facebook, Google and Twitter for aiding the terrorist group. "Social networks have long stressed they will help legitimate investigations of crimes and attacks...


June 16, 2016

Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have been promoting their new live video features, but are struggling to find ways to keep out content that promotes violence. But social media groups are capable of doing more to prevent and remove horrific...


June 15, 2016

The jumbled picture emerging of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen — his statements to friends and coworkers and his tangled personal history — lay bare the dilemma for law enforcement in confronting the growing threat of home-grown lone wolf terrorists....


June 14, 2016

The Sunday terror attack in Orlando, Florida highlights the need for social media companies to more actively disrupt extremist messaging on their platforms, CEP Executive Director David Ibsen said. “It is likely that [Mateen] was self-radicalized by...


June 13, 2016

Mark Wallace, CEO of the Counter Extremism Project, said it was difficult to know how many LGBT men and women had been killed by IS, but the practice was well documented. "The targeting, persecution and killing of LGBT [people] in Isis-controlled...


June 13, 2016

Reeling from the worst attack on American soil since 9/11, the US authorities believe at this stage that Omar Mateen was probably a deranged lone gunman who simply took the Isis name as a badge rather than being a trained operative of the group. “The...


June 13, 2016

CEP President Fran Townsend was interviewed on CSPAN about what led up to the mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando, Florida, in which 50 people died, including the gunman.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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