CEP in the News


July 28, 2018

Antisemitic posts claiming that the Holocaust is a lie and that Jews are “barbaric and unsanitary” remain on Facebook despite being flagged to the social media company, an investigation by The Times has found. David Ibsen, executive director of the...


July 27, 2018

An estimated 278 potential jihadi-linked accounts uploaded 1,348 Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) videos on YouTube between March and June this year, the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) revealed in a study published shortly after the research period. CEP...


July 24, 2018

YouTube repeatedly fails to remove jihadist videos within two hours of them being posted because of 'staggering' holes in its monitoring, according to a study. It found that the Google-owned video sharing site missed its target for taking down...


July 24, 2018

Online video has long been a crucial recruitment and propaganda tool for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as well as al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. Facing sharp criticism over the situation, these companies claimed last year to...


July 24, 2018

YOUTUBE allows extremists to spread jihadist propaganda online by exploiting holes in the website's filters, it emerged today. The site has a two-hour target for taking down terror content - but it misses that target in a quarter of all cases, a...


July 24, 2018

The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) released a new study that finds YouTube’s efforts to proactively remove extremist content from its platform are failing. The report, which utilized an online web crawler and its own hashing technology - eGLYPH -...


July 23, 2018

CEP Advisiory Board Member Sir Ivor Roberts writes: “This week, a rare light was cast into the shadows of state sponsorship of terrorism. Documents obtained by the BBC reveal that in 2015, Qatar paid approximately $1 billion to one of the most...


July 22, 2018

For David Ibsen, executive director of the Counter Extremism Project, a US non-profit group that aims to tackle extremist ideology, the only shocking thing about the Dispatches programme was that Facebook allowed an investigative journalist to be...


July 20, 2018

CEP Senior Advisor and chairman of the computer science department at Dartmouth College, Dr. Hany Farid, discusses "Deep Fakes," the ability of modern computer technology to create compelling fake video, images or audio recordings.


July 17, 2018

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen writes: "Google’s attempts to tackle the dangers of terrorist content on its online platforms, including YouTube, have come far too late and remain disturbingly inadequate, according to findings in a new study by...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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