CEP in the News


September 4, 2018

The European Union is poised to adopt sweeping new powers against abuse of internet technologies, including measures to ensure the rapid removal of online terrorist message and an overhaul of regulations designed to counter cyber security threats...


September 3, 2018

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen writes: "Today, rabble-rousers in Northern Ireland have an array of modern tools with which they can spread their extremist ideology. Research by the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) has revealed that, in the online...


September 2, 2018

CEP Senior Advisor and Dartmouth College Computer Science Department Chairman Dr. Hany Farid, writing in the German newspaper Handelsblatt, discusses the consequences of online extremism and the pressing need for social media companies to act. "The...


August 29, 2018

More Iranians are paying big money to buy passports in neighboring countries through bribery or fraudulent information, in a bid to evade U.S. sanctions and the Trump administration's travel ban on Iran and six other nations, multiple sources have...


August 26, 2018

Islamic State has lost most of the territory it once held in Syria and Iraq. It is vying for survival with other, sometimes stronger, extremist groups. But one sphere where Islamic State still reigns supreme among terrorists is in cyberspace. In a...


August 25, 2018

The Nordic Resistance Movement, or NMR, is a neo-Nazi organisation originally founded in Sweden that is openly anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant and anti-gay. Their goal is to create an ethnically pure pan-Nordic nation, according to the group’s website...


August 20, 2018

The European Union is reportedly planning to impose stricter regulations on social media platforms including Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter over the removal of online terrorist propaganda. According to new draft regulations to be published next month...


August 20, 2018

No longer the carrot, now the stick: the European Commission is considering imposing an hour-long deadline for social networks to remove terrorist and extremist content after voluntary measures appear to have failed. On pain of heavy fines, the...


August 20, 2018

Now, according to a report in the Financial Times, the European Commission has decided to scrap a voluntary approach to ensure firms remove content. This will apparently be replaced with a much starker draft regulation, which will be published in...


August 20, 2018

The European Commission is planning to order websites to delete extremist content on their sites within an hour to avoid the risk of being fined. The regulation would affect Twitter, Facebook and YouTube among others. The crackdown would lead to the...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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