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All Publications 131 publications
  • Cryptocurrencies as Threats to Public Security and Counter Terrorism: Risk Analysis and Regulatory Challenges (German)

    (German Version) The rise of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies poses new challenges for the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT). There is a growing risk that terrorist financiers may evade state surveillance and tap into new sources of funding.
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  • Deepfakes – Eine Bedrohung für Demokratie und Gesellschaft

    Dieser Bericht ist das Ergebnis der Kooperation zwischen CEP und der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in 2019/2020.

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  • Deep Fakes: On the Threat of Deep Fakes to Democracy and Society

    This study is the result of a cooperation between the KonradAdenauer-Stiftung and CEP. Authors Dr. Hany Farid and Dr. Hans-Jakob Schindler deal with the destructive potential of so-called deep fakes – videos and images altered by artificial intelligence (AI) misused for political manipulation.
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  • Die Kosten des Extremismus

    Das Brandenburgische Institut für Gesellschaft und Sicherheit (BIGS) wurde vom CEP beauftragt, eine Kurzstudie über die Kosten des Extremismus am Beispiel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu erstellen.
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  • Digital Developments: Extremists' Use of Modern Communication Tools

    The rapid adoption of state-of-the-art communication tools has been critical to the organization, expansion, and success of terrorist networks. Terrorists use modern communication technology in myriad ways, from fundraising, radicalization, and recruitment, to issuing threats, inciting violence, and planning attacks.
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  • Dutch Foreign Fighters: Before, During and After the IS "Caliphate"

    This paper provides a snapshot of the journeys into jihadism and the time spent with ISIS of the three hundred strong Dutch foreign fighter contingent. A more realistic and complete picture of the radicalisation and activities of Westerners who joined ISIS is needed.
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  • eGLYPH Web Crawler White Paper: ISIS Content on YouTube

    From March 8 to June 8, 2018, CEP conducted a study to better understand how ISIS content is being uploaded to YouTube, how long it is staying online, and how many views these videos receive.
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  • eGLYPH Web Crawler White Paper: ISIS Content on YouTube (Fact Sheet)

    (Fact Sheet) From March 8 to June 8, 2018, CEP conducted a study to better understand how ISIS content is being uploaded to YouTube, how long it is staying online, and how many views these videos receive.
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  • EU Commission consultation – Digital Services Act package – ex ante regulatory instrument of very large online platforms acting as gatekeepers

    The current draft DSA is based on a set of narratives about the role, function and business models of so-called gatekeeper platforms that do not seem to adequately reflect their actual functionality and commercial purpose.

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  • European Ethno-Nationalist and White Supremacy Groups

    This CEP resource outlines the history, propaganda, violent activities, and notable rhetoric of some of the continent's most active ethno-nationalist and white supremacist groups. Continue Reading
  • European Responses to Terror

    Since the end of WWII, extremist groups have carried out numerous acts of violence in Europe in the pursuit of political and religious objectives. The policy responses from European governments have too often failed to deter future attacks or dismantle terrorist networks.
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  • Extremism in Erdoğan’s AKP

    This report explores extremist trends and thinking within the AKP and their impact on freedom and democracy in Turkey.
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Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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