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Press Release

June 9, 2015

Global Extremist Registry Update: CEP Adds New Propagandists, Leaders and Terror Financers

CEP is releasing an expanded Global Extermist Registry, a searchable database of the world's most notorious extremist leaders, propagandists and financiers. The expanded Registry and interactive map can be searched by name, by occupation, and by...


June 8, 2015

The Misssouri State University College of Business Ad Team won first place in the U.S. State Department’s Peer-to-Peer Challenging Extremism program, competing internationally against 21 other universities before emerging as the top finalist. Now the...

Press Release

June 5, 2015

CEP Congratulates Missouri State University for Winning Competition to Fight Online Extremism

CEP CEO Ambassador Mark D. Wallace was one of the judges for the first "P2P (Peer to Peer): Challengng Extremism" competition, won by Missouri State University, which bested finalists Curtin University of Perth, Australia and Mount Royal University...

CounterPoint Blog

The Charcoal Connection: Illegal Harvests Fuel Terrorism

A June 2014 UN Environment Program (UNEP) report reveals that illegally harvested timber has become a key source of revenue for terror groups. Additionally, the report states that the scale of the illegal timber trade “has been totally underestimated...

Press Release

June 3, 2015

CEP Applauds Gambian Government for Expelling Hizballah Funder

CEP applauded the government of Gambia for expelling Lebanese businessman Husayn Tajideen, who provided substantial financial support to violent extremist group Hizballah. Husayn, Ali and Kassim Tajideen have all been sanctioned by the U.S. for...

CounterPoint Blog

Muslim Brotherhood Buffeted by Shifting Winds

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohamed Morsi rose and fell from power within the space of one year. Elected president of Egypt in June 2012, Morsi was removed from office by the country’s military leaders in July 2013. During this time and in response to...

CounterPoint Blog

Iran’s Influence in Iraq: Temporary or Permanent?

The Americans will leave one day, Quds Force commander General Qasem Soleimani once told Iraqi leaders, but Iran will remain Iraq’s neighbor. That lesson has only been reinforced by the lead role Iran has since taken in the fight against ISIS. Iran...


May 28, 2015

A group of former U.S. government officials and scholars have unified to launch an organized campaign to mount a belated online response to religious extremists. The Counter-Extremism Project has recently put pressure on Twitter and its CEO Jack...

CounterPoint Blog

Shiite Militias in Iraq: a Warped Line of Defense

As ISIS makes sweeping gains in Iraq, it is worrying to note that for the most part, the group is being fought by sectarian extremists. Shiite militias – often acting as unofficial affiliates of Iran’s military – are operating outside of the Iraqi...

Press Release

May 27, 2015

CEP Resource Profiles Violent Islamist Group Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia

Tunisia, the birthplace of the Arab Spring, is struggling to contain violent extremist groups that threaten what has been a peaceful transition to democratically elected government. CEP's new resource details the rise of powerful local Islamist group...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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