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October 7, 2015

The United States intelligence community is trying to get to the bottom of how the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group has been able to acquire a plethora of Toyota pick-up trucks and SUVs during its holy war in the Middle East. Toyota officials say...


October 7, 2015

Here comes yet another body blow for the reeling auto industry. Toyota has been put on the spot by the US government, which has asked the Japanese car maker to explain just how Islamic State has got hold of hundreds of its four-wheel-drive vehicles...

Press Release

October 6, 2015

CEP Hosts Global Youth Summit Against Violent Extremism

(New York, NY) -- The Counter Extremism Project (CEP), joined with the U.S. State Department, the White House and Search for Common Ground, to host more than 100 youth activists and government officials from more than 40 countries at the first Global...


October 6, 2015

U.S. counter-terror officials have asked Toyota, the world’s second largest auto maker, to help them determine how ISIS has managed to acquire the large number of Toyota pick-up trucks and SUVs seen prominently in the terror group’s propaganda videos...


October 6, 2015

Japanese automaker Toyota says it is cooperating with the U.S. Treasury Department's inquiry into the acquisition of its vehicles by Mideast terror groups. Over the years, Toyota cars, such as the Toyota Hilux pick-up truck, have appeared in many...


October 6, 2015

The world's second-largest automaker said it is "supporting" the investigation, with Ed Lewis, Toyota's director of public policy and communications in Washington, telling ABC News the company has briefed the Treasury on supply chains in the Middle...


October 6, 2015

A supporter of Islamic State militants has issued a threat against Fox News contributor Rob O'Neill, the former U.S. Navy SEAL who says he fired the shot that killed Osama bin Laden, and also posted the ex-commando's purported home address in Montana...


October 6, 2015

CEP CEO Mark Wallace on ABC

CEP CEO Ambassador Mark Wallace Discusses ISIS's Use of Toyota Trucks with Brian Ross on ABC World News Tonight.


October 2, 2015

U.S.-designated terrorist group Kata'ib Hezbollah--an Iraqi Shiite militia--has a dot com web address. So does Greek neo-Nazi political party Golden Dawn and Hungarian neo-Nazi party Jobbik. Google them. You can peruse their propaganda, and that of...


September 30, 2015

A former Norwegian Islamist extremist told youth leaders gathered at a counter-extremism summit on the sidelines of the UN general assembly in New York that treating militants as “humans, not monsters” would help prevent further radicalisation.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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