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November 3, 2015

The threat of extremism in the Middle East constantly evolves and adapts to prevailing conditions. In recent years, extremist groups such as ISIL have embraced social media platforms as a way to disseminate their propaganda and recruit new fighters...


October 31, 2015

After sending a letter to Toyota headquarters in March of this year, former Ambassador to the UN and current CEO of the Counter Extremism Project, Mark Wallace, received word from the automaker. According to its statement, “Toyota has a strict policy...


October 30, 2015

The Islamic State's ability to sustain itself through recruitment, propaganda and financing of its operations have bolstered its ability to survive as the U.S.-led military campaign against it has faltered. But U.S. officials are focusing on changing...


October 30, 2015

Although an independent Counter-Extremist Project has been running in the US for the past year, and a European counterpart, CEP Europe, was launched in Brussels on June 29, the only government to have grasped the nettle is the UK’s. Britain alone...

Press Release

October 29, 2015

ICYMI: CEP CEO Mark Wallace Testifies Before U.S. Congress on Stopping Online Extremism

Details problem of weaponization of social media platforms at hearing (Washington, D.C.) – Counter Extremism Project CEO Mark D. Wallace called on Twitter and other social media companies to do more to combat online radicalization, recruitment, and...


October 28, 2015

Compared to other social media outlets, Twitter has fallen far behind in the fight against Islamic extremism online, several activists told a Congressional committee on Tuesday. There are at least 43,000 active pro-Islamic State Twitter accounts...


October 28, 2015

Twitter has come under criticism from some analysts who say the social media company has failed to swiftly remove accounts that recruit potential terrorists and incite violence, raising concerns that the United States has not done enough to combat...


October 28, 2015

Twitter is not acting quickly enough to remove the accounts of terrorists, allowing the Islamic State (ISIS) to use the social media service as a recruiting device, a counter-terrorism expert testified on Wednesday. "Since its creation, ISIS in...

Press Release

October 27, 2015

Counter Extremism Project CEO Mark D. Wallace Calls on Twitter to Address Threat of Online Extremism in Testimony Before House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

CEP CEO Mark D. Wallace will recommend ways to combat online radicalization and recruitment by extremist groups in testimony Wednesday, October 28 before the National Security Subcommittee of the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government...

Press Release

October 21, 2015

CEP Resource Details Rise of African Jihadist Terror Group Al-Mourabitoun

(New York, NY) -- The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) is releasing a new resource on violent African jihadist group al-Mourabitoun and its leaders, considered by the U.S. State Department to pose “the greatest near-term threat to U.S. and Western...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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