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December 13, 2015

The former Minnesota man who left the USA years ago to join an al-Qaida affiliate, Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan, denied he's a member of al-Shabab or the Islamic State in an interview with a news outlet. The New York-based Counter Extremism Project...


December 13, 2015

Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan faces specific charges of providing material support to terrorists; conspiracy to kill, kidnap, maim or injure people overseas; using a firearm in a crime of violence; and soliciting others to commit a crime of violence. The...


December 13, 2015

A former Minnesota resident, Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan joined al-Shabab in Somalia more than seven years ago and more recently went online to urge others to carry out violence on behalf of the Islamic State group, authorities said. The New York-based...


December 11, 2015

A high-level Brussels conference was told that it is a matter of not “if” Islamic extremists launch another deadly Paris-style atrocity in Europe but “when”. The fight against Jihadism is, today, the “main threat” facing Europe but there are no...


December 11, 2015

One of the most popular places for radicalization on the Internet is Twitter, where terrorists are very well-organized. Studies estimate there are at least 90,000 Twitter accounts operated by ISIS. The Counter Extremism Project (CEP), a nonprofit...


December 10, 2015

Dana Perino Discusses CEP on Fox News

Fox News' Dana Perino References CEP in Discussion on Online Terror Fight.


December 9, 2015

A Minnesota man who joined al-Shabab in 2008 surrendered to the Somali government in November, the U.S. State Department told MPR News Monday.

CounterPoint Blog

President Obama’s ISIS Speech: No U-Turn

President Obama’s 13-minute speech from the Oval Office Dec. 6 was intended to allay the concerns of the public over the mounting danger of jihadist terrorism following the horrific attack in San Bernadino, California. Yet his remarks may have the...


December 9, 2015

The FBI is investigating a Minnesotan who faces federal terrorism charges to see if he was in contact with the couple involved in last week’s San Bernardino, Calif., terror attack before he turned himself in to Somali authorities. Mohamed Abdullahi...


December 9, 2015

I researched and wrote the article “The threat from ‘Minnesota men'” before the San Bernardino massacre, but the things I learned along the way may have some bearing on it. “Minnesota men” have been in contact with ISIS and sought to enlist in the...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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