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September 21, 2016

The New York/New Jersey bombing suspect's written praise for radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki is another grim reminder that this icon of global jihad continues to inspire terror attacks long after he was killed in a U.S. drone strike. The Counter...


September 21, 2016

CEP CEO Ambassador Mark D. Wallace and Hany Farid, CEP Senior Advisor, respond to a Post editorial about the eGLYPH technology. They write: "The Counter Extremism Project has developed technology to help Internet and social-media companies remove...


September 21, 2016

Rahami's screed also praised 9/11 mastermind Usama bin Laden and Nidal Hasan, the former Army officer who went on a deadly shooting rampage in 2009 at Fort Hood, Texas. Hasan was also a follower of Awlaki. The Counter Extremism Project’s research...


September 20, 2016

CEP President Fran Townsend on CBS This Morning

CBS President Fran Townsend discusses Chelsea bombing suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami.


September 20, 2016

CEP President Fran Townsend discusses the bombing investigation in New York and New Jersey and the radicalization of suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami.


September 20, 2016

Roberta Bonazzi, director of CEP Brussels, is interviewed by Italian publication Adnkronos regarding the bombings in New York and New Jersey, CEP's work in Europe to combat extremism and the ability of extremists to utilize social media platforms to...


September 19, 2016

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller on MSNBC

CEP Spokesperson and Senior Advisor Tara Maller speaks on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews regarding the NY-NJ bombing investigation.


September 19, 2016

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller discusses the bombings in New York and New Jersey with host Chris Matthews.

Press Release

September 18, 2016

CEP Condemns Three Separate Acts of Terror Committed in the United States This Weekend

CEP issued a statement strongly condemning the three acts of terror carried out this weekend in Minnesota, New York and New Jersey.


September 18, 2016

This article in the Italian publication Corriere della Sera, describes eGLYPH, a technology developed by CEP and Dartmouth College Computer Science Professor Hany Farid that can automatically detect and remove extremist images, videos and audio, from...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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