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December 22, 2016

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller discusses the Berlin Christmas market attack claimed by ISIS and Germany's search for a Tunisian man suspected of being the perpetrator.


December 22, 2016

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller comments on the ongoing investigation into the Christmas market attack in Berlin, Germany.


December 21, 2016

CEP Spokesperson and former CIA Analyst Tara Maller discusses possible blunders in the probe of the Berlin Christmas market terror attack.


December 21, 2016

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller on CNN

CEP Spokesperson and Senior Policy Advisor Tara Maller appeared on CNN's Situation Room to talk about the Berlin truck attack investigation.


December 20, 2016

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller on MSNBC

CEP Spokesperson and Senior Policy Advisor Tara Maller discussed the Berlin truck attack on December 19, 2016 on MSNBC.


December 20, 2016

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller joins host Neil Cavuto to discuss issues surrounding the killing of the Russina ambassador to Turkey by by Turkish policeman.


December 20, 2016

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller discusses the latest information concerning a truck attack at a Berlin, Germany Christmas market.


December 20, 2016

CEP President Fran Townsend, former homeland security adviser to President George W. Bush, talks about the Berlin Christmas market attack and the recent Europe travel alert issued by the U.S. State Department.


December 18, 2016

CEP Spokesperson Tara Maller on MSNBC

CEP Spokesperson and Senior Advisor Tara Maller spoke on MSNBC to discuss Russian hacking.

Press Release

December 16, 2016

Iraqi Shiite Militias Bolster Pro-Assad Forces in Aleppo, Accused by U.N. of Human Rights Abuses

CEP released updated resources on two of the most powerful Iraqi Shiite militias, Kata'ib Hezbollah (KH) and Asaib Ahl al-Haq (AAH), trained and supported by Iran, that are fighting with Hezbollah for the Assad regime in Syria. On December 13, 2016...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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