CEP in the News


September 23, 2015

On September 16, the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) announced it will co-host the “One95: Global Youth Summit Against Violent Extremism,” an event supported by the U.S Department of State and driven by the power and ideas of young people in the...


September 13, 2015

“All rise,” said the bailiff as Judge Claude M. Hilton entered his courtroom in Alexandria, Virginia on a late August morning. Seventeen-year-old Ali Shukri Amin was being sentenced for providing material support to a terror organization. Everyone...


September 11, 2015

It appears coalition airstrikes may have caught up to a French foreign fighter who was peddling advanced bomb-making skills for an al-Qaida cell in Syria. A U.S. official speaking on the condition of anonymity told VOA the Khorasan Group’s David...


August 31, 2015

In the spring of 1995, 20-year-old Brandeis University student Alisa Flatow, who was studying at a women’s seminary in Israel, boarded a bus bound for the beach. She never reached her destination. A suicide bomber from Iranian-sponsored Palestinian...


August 28, 2015

A 21-year-old British hacker who was a member of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was killed in a U.S. military airstrike earlier this week, the Pentagon confirmed Friday. "We can confirm that Junaid Hussain, an ISIS operative was killed in...


August 27, 2015

The almost singular focus by the United States and some of its coalition partners on defeating the group known as the Islamic State appears to be giving new life to the group's chief rival. U.S. intelligence officials say despite hitting a low point...


August 7, 2015

President Obama has seen fit to re-open diplomatic relationships with our most longstanding opponents in order to advance U.S. security interests. To talk with our most egregious adversaries while abandoning imperfect but proven allies like Malaysia...


July 31, 2015

Key allies in the US and UK led war on Islamic State (IS) are covertly financing the terrorist movement according to senior political sources in the region. US and British oil companies are heavily invested in the murky geopolitical triangle...


July 29, 2015

Kicking U.S.-based ISIS supporters off social media could provoke them to engage in lone-wolf attacks, according to a report prepared for the Department of Homeland Security and obtained by The Intercept.


July 21, 2015

When a lone terrorist slaughtered 38 tourists at a Tunisian resort on June 26, the Islamic State turned to social media to claim credit and warn of more attacks on the world's nonbelievers.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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