CEP in the News


January 14, 2016

THE poisonous work of Birmingham cyber-hacker Junaid Hussain is being continued by fellow jihadis pumping out more than 90,000 Twitter messages a day. Now experts from the US-based Counter Extremism Project (CEP) say his ‘cyber warfare’ efforts have...


January 8, 2016

As the director of the not-for-profit international policy organization The Counter Extremism Project, Mark Wallace is critical of Twitter’s take-down policies. “Twitter has looked upon itself as creating some sort of new constitutional right in the...


January 8, 2016

Islamic State spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani has reportedly been wounded in an air strike in Iraq's western province of Anbar, a military statement said on Thursday. Some jihadist sources say that Adnani was among the first foreign fighters in Iraq...


December 30, 2015

You might remember a story from about a year ago of a plumber from Texas whose used truck ended up in hands of Islamist militants in Syria. Last week, the plumber filed a lawsuit against the dealer that bought his truck and he's seeking $1 million in...


December 21, 2015

US Cyber Command military hackers and programmers have reportedly developed a collection of malware that can sabotage the terror organization’s online capabilities for recruitment and propaganda, the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday, citing...


December 21, 2015

The Pentagon is considering increasing the pace and scope of cyberattacks against Islamic State, arguing that more aggressive efforts to disable the extremist group's computers, servers and cellphones could help curtail its appeal and disrupt...


December 20, 2015

The Pentagon is considering increasing the pace and scope of cyberattacks against Islamic State, arguing that more aggressive efforts to disable the extremist group's computers, servers and cellphones could help curtail its appeal and disrupt...


December 20, 2015

The Pentagon is considering more aggressive cyberattacks on the Islamic State’s computers in an effort to decrease its propaganda on social media and prevent potential terror attacks, according to a published report. The Counter Extremist Project, a...


December 19, 2015

The FBI revealed in a criminal complaint this week that one of the San Bernardino shooters, the husband, Syed Rizwan Farooq, and an alleged co-conspirator who bought the couple’s assault rifles, were inspired by former al Qaeda leader Anwar Awlaki...


December 18, 2015

In case after terrorism case, from the Fort Hood, Tex., shootings to the Boston Marathon bombing and now to the slaughter in San Bernardino, Calif., the inflammatory videos and bomb-making instructions of Anwar al-Awlaki, easily accessible on the...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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