CEP in the News


April 4, 2018

Counter Extremism Project Senior Advisor Dr. Henry Farid discusses the importance of removing online extremist content. “The advertisers who fuel Silicon Valley need to think long and hard about whether they want to be on these platforms.and what...


March 28, 2018

A KPMG study commissioned by RUSI last year, analyzing the illicit cigarette market in the European Union, Norway and Switzerland, revealed that more than 9% of all cigarettes consumed in Europe in 2016 were illegal. This does not come as a surprise...


March 27, 2018

For computer scientist Hany Farid, developing image analysis tools that can stop illegal content online is not enough. He says we all need to take responsibility, not least the companies that lobby and lie hard. "We've been running full steam ahead...


March 23, 2018

The strength of the US counterterrorism relationship with Saudi Arabia “rivals” that with its historic ally the UK — although this has yet to register with the American public, a former homeland security adviser told Arab News. Information provided...


March 12, 2018

CEP Senior Advisor and Dartmouth College computer science professor Dr. Hany Farid discusses the growing problems posed by digitally altered video and how he is working to combat the threat.


March 4, 2018

CEP CEO Ambassador Mark D. Wallace and Senior Advisor, Dartmouth College computer scientist Dr. Hany Farid, discuss the successful campaign to remove thousands of Anwar al-Awlaki videos from YouTube and how existing technologies can impact the...


March 1, 2018

Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other internet companies must show the European Union within three months that they are removing extremist content more rapidly or face legislation forcing them to do so. But in its strongest call yet to the...


February 25, 2018

CEP Executive Director David Ibsen writes in New Europe magazine: "In 2018 the public and policymakers will have to reckon with the ever-growing power of the tech industry. Alphabet, Google’s parent company, is now valued at $730 billion (€605...


February 17, 2018

CEP Executive Director writes in the Hill: "Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan. Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Garland, Texas, gunman Elton Simpson. All of these terrorists were deeply...


February 15, 2018

CEP President Fran Townsend discusses the events surrounding the investigation into a shooting at a high school in Florida that killed 17 people.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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