CEP in the News


November 14, 2018

As France marked the third anniversary of deadly terrorist attacks in Paris, an international nonprofit organization launched a guide to help teachers, social workers and others to detect early warning signs of potential Islamic radicalization among...


November 13, 2018

CEP hosted a roundtable discussion in Paris on November 13 and launched a practical guide for French educators designed to help them promote integration and respond to instances of youth radicalization. The article describes several of the sensitive...


November 13, 2018

To better identify the risks of radicalization among young people, two NGOs (the European Foundation for Democracy and the Counter extremism project) publish a practical guide for adults. It aims to better recognize signs in adolescents and presents...


November 12, 2018

CEP hosted a roundtable discussion in Paris on November 13 and launched a practical guide for French educators designed to help them promote integration and respond to instances of youth radicalization. This article describes the guide and contains...


November 12, 2018

CEP hosted a roundtable discussion in Paris on November 13 and launched a practical guide for French educators designed to help them promote integration and respond to instances of youth radicalization. This article includes an interview with Jean...


November 7, 2018

"Facebook remains an important weapon of choice for pro-Islamic State supporters, who continue to proliferate terrorist content across the world's largest social platform to recruit and incite attacks. A recent report from Counter-Extremism Project...


October 25, 2018

"But some analysts caution that the figures Gen. Dunford cited are relative and that the Islamic State’s online presence still must be taken seriously. In addition to the magazine, propaganda videos and the group’s periodic Amaq News Agency videos...


October 24, 2018

CEP President Fran Townsend discusses details of the Investigation into pipe bombs sent to politicians and CNN on the CBS Evening News.


October 20, 2018

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary was a free man last night despite fears that he will "wage war" on Britain. The Islamic extremist, who was released from prison yesterday, smiled as he posed for photographs outside his bail hostel. Lucinda Creighton...


October 18, 2018

CEP Senior Advisor Ian Acheson writes: “I am in no doubt that Anjem ¬Choudary poses a genuine, serious risk to national security when he returns to our streets. He is clearly a narcissist whose ¬attention-seeking behaviour is driven by a deep-seated...

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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