Turkey’s History of Harboring Terrorist Operatives and Financiers
Turkey has a history of harboring terrorist operatives and financiers from various extremist groups. Hamas opened a bureau in Istanbul in 2012, from which it has coordinated terror attacks and terror financing in the West Bank*Shlomi Eldar, “Turkey's Hamas ‘bureau,’” Al-Monitor, December 1, 2014, https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/fr/originals/2014/12/saleh-al-arouri-khaled-meshaal-hamas-leadership-turkey-gaza.html.x. Members of the Taliban and its affiliated Haqqani network allegedly operate within Turkey.*"Treasury Sanctions Taliban and Haqqani Network Financiers and Facilitators," U.S. Department of the Treasury, January 25, 2018, https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm0265; "Turkey Delegation 'Represents All Taliban Factions,’” Tolo News, January 14, 2018, http://www.tolonews.com/afghanistan/turkey-delegation-%E2%80%98represents-all-taliban-factions%E2%80%99.x The international Muslim Brotherhood reportedly regrouped in Istanbul following the ouster of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in July 2013.*Mohammad Abdel Kader, "Turkey's relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood," Al Arabiya, October 14, 2013, http://english.alarabiya.net/en/perspective/alarabiya-studies/2013/10/14/Turkey-s-relationship-with-the-Muslim-Brotherhood.html.x The violent Turkish extremist movement Grey Wolves openly operates across the country while maintaining ties to the National Movement Party in Turkey’s government.*“MHP’li Kılavuz, Ülkü Ocakları Genel Başkanlığının sona erdiğini açıkladı,” Hürriyet (Istanbul), January 2, 2019, https://www.Hürriyet (Istanbul).com.tr/gundem/mhpli-kilavuz-ulku-ocaklari-genel-baskanliginin-sona-erdigini-acikladi-41070109.x
CEP is calling on Turkey to arrest, expel, or otherwise cut off support to the following individuals affiliated with Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, and the Haqqani Network:

Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey Report:
Though Turkey has no official Muslim Brotherhood chapter, some members of the governing Justice and Development Party have provided various forms of support to the Brotherhood.

Turkey Country Report
In recent years, Islamist terror groups including ISIS have consolidated on Turkey’s borders with Syria and Iraq. Large numbers of foreign fighters have also crossed through Turkey, hoping to join these groups. Following decades of attempted Kurdish secession, Ankara has nervously witnessed the formation of a Kurdish statelet in northern Syria.
Fact Sheet: Turkey’s Approach to Countering Terrorism
Turkey maintains open relations with internationally sanctioned extremist groups such as the Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood, and Hamas.