CEP Europe Condemns Terror Attacks at French Gas Plant, Kuwaiti Mosque and Tunisian Hotel

Combined Effort Across Continents Necessary to Counter Violent Extremist Messaging and Recruitment

Following is a statement from Ambassador Mark D. Wallace, CEO of the newly formed Counter Extremism Project Europe.

“Today’s brutal attack at a French gas technology facility, the suicide bombing by ISIS at a Shiite mosque in Kuwait and the killings at a popular tourist hotel in Tunisia remind us once again that terrorism is capable of striking at any time. These horrifying incidents demonstrate the pervasive threat posed by extremist ideology and its ability to incite violence, as well as the need for a sustained and coordinated effort across continents to combat this continuing threat to peace and security. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of today’s violence, their families and the people of France, Kuwait and Tunisia during this difficult time.”

For requests for interviews, please contact CEP at media@counterextremism.com.

The Counter Extremism Project Europe (CEP Europe) is uniting individuals and groups across Europe to counter radicalisation at its core. CEP Europe on June 29 will unveil a double-pronged campaign to counter extremist recruitment messaging and disrupt extremist digital media strategies.



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