Michael Niconchuk

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Michael Niconchuk brings more than a decade of experience in applied social neuroscience and trauma recovery in conflict-affected populations. He currently works with the Wend Collective, building partnerships and transforming practice at the intersection of trauma, migration, and intergroup violence. He has worked specifically with law-involved youth in Jordan and Syria, in mental health and psychosocial support for Syrian refugees across MENA and Europe, and supporting local capacities for the rehabilitation of extremist-affiliated populations in Central Asia, MENA, and the Balkans. He is the author of several innovative scientific publications on issues of social cognition, violent extremism and global refugee crises, and is the author of the Field Guide for Barefoot Psychology, a psychoeducational and trauma recovery program for communities affected by trauma and forced displacement. Niconchuk is a former Fulbright Scholar and holds degrees from Tufts University and University College London.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On January 23, 2019, two car bombs exploded outside of a mosque in Benghazi, Libya, killing 41 people and injuring 80 others. No group claimed responsibility for the blast, but remnants suggested an ISIS affiliate was responsible.  

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