Afghanistan Terrorism Report: May 2022

Following is the May 2022 installment of “Afghanistan Terrorism Report.” The authors provide a monthly analysis concerning the developing terrorist threat in Afghanistan as well as a comprehensive overview of that month’s al-Qaeda and ISIS-K propaganda.

ISIS-K propaganda channels continued to highlight the high tempo of operations within Afghanistan. Similar to April 2022, incidents were concentrated in the North and East of the country, potentially indicating that ISIS-K cannot sustainably widen its operational reach to the rest of Afghanistan. Various ISIS-K outlets linked these activities to the overall ISIS campaign “vengeance for the two sheikhs,” which was announced by ISIS-linked propaganda outlets on April 17, 2022, as a response to the killing of ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Quraishi and ISIS spokesman Abu Hamza al-Qurashi, both killed in a U.S. raid in Syria in February 2022. Several ISIS affiliates carried out the campaign  which, according to ISIS propaganda, resulted in several hundred attacks. In addition to frequent attacks in Pakistan, ISIS-K propaganda continued to highlight the group’s alleged attack on the territory of Uzbekistan in April 2022 and claimed a second cross-border attack, this time on the territory of Tajikistan. The government of Tajikistan did not deny the attack but reported that bullets, not rockets, were fired on its territory in a firefight at the border. Despite the disputed nature of both attacks, the fact that ISIS-K propaganda continues to highlight these demonstrates the group’s apparent intent to reach into Central Asia and to demonstrate that the Taliban are unable to prevent cross border attacks.

During the month of May, ISIS-K propaganda indicated that the group now uses some of the attack methodologies previously employed by the Taliban. ISIS-K’s propaganda narratives regularly highlighted attacks on electricity towers in the country. Similar disruption of  civilian infrastructure was part and parcel of Taliban tactics until the summer of 2021. Similarly, ISIS-K repeatedly emphasized an attack on a large hotel near Kabul airport in May. Until the Taliban takeover in August 2021, hotels were frequently the target of Taliban attacks. In 2014, increasing Taliban threats to hotels and an attack on a Lebanese restaurant in Kabul, which left four U.N. staff members dead, forced the United Nations and foreign embassies to progressively restrict international staff members from frequenting hotels and restaurants in Kabul due to security concerns.

Furthermore, pro-ISIS-K propaganda highlighted the fighting between Taliban forces and opposition forces in the Panjshir valley several times, despite these opposition forces not being linked to the group. These opposition fighters were most likely part of the National Resistance Front, which formed following the Taliban takeover of the country in August 2021. Although the Taliban denied any incidents in the valley, independent reporting confirmed ongoing clashes between Taliban and opposition forces. However, given the fact that the valley is far from any of the borders of Afghanistan (see the red star with blue center on the map below), which significantly complicates resupply, it seems currently unlikely that these opposition forces will be able to present a serious challenge to Taliban rule in the country any time soon.

Finally, the pro-ISIS-K Voice of Khurasan web magazine took responsibility for the attacks in Israel during Ramadan. In March 2022, several lone actor attacks occurred in Israel, which ISIS-core had already taken responsibility for. These were the first of these types of attacks in the country. Given the strong security architecture in Israel, these attacks were a major propaganda success for ISIS, explaining why the ISIS-K web magazine felt the need to highlight them once more, demonstrating the reach of the ISIS global network.

Map of Incidents Highlighted by ISIS-K Social Media Propaganda in May 2022



Pro-ISIS-K propaganda channels also continued their ideological criticism of the Taliban regime, arguing that its behavior and international contacts amount to religious deviancy. Although these narratives had also previously targeted al-Qaeda due to the group’s symbiotic relationship with the Taliban regime, this criticism was less pronounced than the attacks on the Taliban’s religious rule. However, this month, several ISIS-K posts and magazine articles noticeably stepped-up the ideological criticism of al-Qaeda, claiming that the United States had tamed the group, going as far as declaring that al-Qaeda had abandoned the ideology of its former leader Osama Bin Laden.

Part of ISIS-K’s ideological criticism of the Taliban regime continues to focus on the drug economy in Afghanistan. This topic had already been highlighted in April 2022, following the Taliban’s announcement that they banned drug production in the country. Pro-ISIS-K online chatter claimed that the ban was announced for commercial reasons and reports on increasing drug prices as a result of the ban in Kandahar and Helmand provinces. This mirrors independent reporting that highlights rising opium prices in the country. This potential financial windfall for the Taliban regime is exacerbated by recent reporting by the United Nations, indicating that members of the Haqqani network have assumed key positions in the central bank of Afghanistan, Da Afghanistan Bank. The leaders of this network, which remains the main contact point between the Taliban regime and al-Qaeda, already control the Afghan Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Refugees, which would be critical institutions in the fight against terrorist groups in the country. Given the relaxation of international sanctions, including financial restrictions against the Taliban through U.N. Security Council resolution 2615 (2021), the European Union, and a range of General Licenses issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) since the Taliban takeover of the country, this positioning of members of the Haqqani network within the central bank is concerning. This allows the network access to data housed within FinTRACA, the Afghan Financial Investigation Unit (FIU). FinTRACA is tasked with preventing the financing of terrorism and money laundering and, among other data, maintains a database of suspicious transaction reports provided by Afghan financial institutions, including Hawaladars. Therefore, the external relaxation of financial controls via sanctions provisions in combination with the weakening of the internal control system through the access of the Haqqani network to sensitive control data will present a major challenge in the prevention of the financing of terrorism or the laundering of drug-related money in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan Terrorism Report

May 2022

Table of contents

  1. ISIS Al-Naba Newsletters
  2. Sample of Pro-ISIS Online Chatter
  3. ISIS Amaq Statements
  4. Amaq photo set released on May 11, 2022
  5. Amaq video released on May 11, 2022
  6. Voice of Khurasan Web Magazine Issue 5, Released by al-Azaim Media Foundation on May 2, 2022
  7. Pro-ISIS Voice of Khurasan Web Magazine Issue 6, Released by al-Azaim Media Foundation on May 17, 2022
  8. Pro-ISIS Asawirti Media Video “The Crusade: Shaming Tactics”

I. ISIS May Al-Naba Newsletters

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 337, Published May 5, 2022

  • “40 dead and wounded Rafidah and 9 others from the Taliban and the Pakistani police (as part of the Battle of Revenge for the Two Sheikhs)”

“As part of the battle of revenge for the two sheikhs, the soldiers of the Caliphate this week inflicted about 40 dead and wounded in the ranks of the rafidah and they also destroyed and damaged three buses of theirs. They also killed and wounded seven others from the Taliban militia, including a leader, and killed two Pakistani police officers, and targeted four electricity towers, with separate attacks in the Khorasan regions.”

  • “Two policemen and a third Taliban were killed”

“In the details, by the grace of God Almighty as part of the battle of revenge for the two sheikhs, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted on Wednesday (26 Ramadan) an officer in the apostate Pakistani police, in the Wana region, south of (Wazir Stan), with pistol shots, which led to his death, and they also killed an officer in the same way. They also killed in the same way a second officer on Sunday (1st of Shawwal), in the same area, praise be to God. On the next day, Thursday, they targeted a member of the apostate Taliban militia, in Jabrhar area in (Nangarhar), with machine guns. Led to his death, thank God.”

  • “Funeral of the body of a Pakistani policeman killed in Wana district, south of Wazir Stan”
  • “40 of the Rafidah were killed and wounded in three separate explosions”

“As part of the battle of revenge for the two sheikhs, on the same Thursday, the soldiers of the Caliphate blew up two separate explosive devices on two buses that were carrying a number of the polytheistic Rafidah, in each of (District 3) and (District 10) in the Mazar-i-Sharif area, which resulted in their destruction, killing and wounding about 30 Rafidites in both of them, praise be to God. They also detonated a third bomb on Saturday (29 Ramadan) on a third bus of the polytheistic Rafidah, in (District 6) in the city of (Kabul), which damaged it and killed and injured about ten of them, praise be to God.”

  • “Destruction of a bus for the unbelievers of the Rafidites in (District 6) in the city of (Kabul) with an explosive device”
  • “6 Taliban killed and wounded, including a leader”

“Within the same campaign, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on Saturday also on a vehicle of the Taliban militia, in the Suki area in (Kunnar), which damaged it and injured two members in it. They also detonated a second bomb on Friday (28 Ramadan) on a militia leader in the Mamund area in Bajaur, which led to the death of one of his guards and the injury of him along with two other guards, praise be to God.”

  • “Targeting 4 electricity towers as part of the economic war”

“Within the economic war, A special source told (Al-Naba) that the soldiers of the Caliphate blew up on Friday (28/Ramadan) two electricity towers in the (Salank) area in (Barwan), which led to their downfall. In the media, the media office of the state of Khorasan published a video report on the diaries of the soldiers of the Caliphate in the blessed month of Ramadan.”

  • “Last week”

“During the past week, the soldiers of the Caliphate in the province of Khorasan killed and wounded more than 100 polytheistic Rafidah, and about 35 dead and wounded in the ranks of the Taliban militia, and destroyed and damaged four of their vehicles. A Pakistani police officer and one of the preachers of evil loyal to them were killed in more than ten attacks that came as part of the battle of revenge for the two sheikhs.”

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 338, Published May 12, 2022

  • “5 dead and wounded, and two Taliban vehicles were damaged, and Tajik forces’ positions were bombed with Katyusha rockets.”

“This week, the soldiers of the Caliphate killed three members of the Taliban militia, wounded at least two members, and damaged two of their vehicles. They also bombed the positions of the Tajik forces near the border with Afghanistan and brought down an electricity tower, in five separate operations in Khorasan.”

  • “Shelling of Tajik army sites”

“And in details, by the grace of God Almighty, on Saturday, 6 Shawwal, the soldiers of the Caliphate bombed the headquarters of the apostate Tajik army, near the Khawaja Ghar region in the border region of Takhar, northern Afghanistan, with seven Katyusha missiles.  Amaq Agency published a videotape showing the bombing operation, all praise and gratitude be to Allah.”

  • “(Katyusha) missiles used in bombing Tajik army positions near (Khawaja Ghar)”
  • “Taliban wounded”

“On the other hand, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on the same day on the vehicle of the governor of the (Khiwa) district of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Achin) district of (Nanjarhar), Which led to the injury of him and a number of his companions and the breakdown of the mechanism, all praise and gratitude be to Allah. They also detonated a second bomb on two militia members, in the village of Dikul in the Suki area of Kunar, which led to their injury, praise be to God.”

  • “A Taliban member was wounded by detonating an explosive device on their vehicle in the (Achin) area.”
  • “Electricity tower targeting”

“As part of the economic war, a special source reported to (Al-Nabaa) that the soldiers of the Caliphate booby-trapped and blew up on Saturday (6 Shawwal) an electricity tower in (District 17) in the city of (Kabul), which led to its downfall, praise be to God.”

  • “3 Taliban militants killed”

“In the context of the armed attacks, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted on Sunday (7 Shawwal) a barracks of the Taliban militia, in the (Mohammed Dara) area in (Nanjarhar), with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, which led to the killing of three members and the destruction of a vehicle and damage to the barracks, and praise be to God.”

  • “Last week”

“Last week, the soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan had killed and wounded about 40 Rafidah and destroyed and damaged three of their buses. They also killed and wounded seven others from the Taliban militia, including a leader, and killed two Pakistani police officers, and targeted four electricity towers, with separate attacks as part of the raid of revenge for the two sheikhs.”

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 339, Published May 19, 2022

  • “9 killed and injured and damage to a Taliban vehicle, and two dead (Sikhs) in separate operations in Khorasan”

“The soldiers of the Caliphate killed and wounded nine Taliban militias this week and damaged their vehicles. They also killed two infidels (Sikhs), and attacked a Pakistani police headquarters and caused material damage to it, with separate operations in Khorasan.”

  • “5 dead, wounded and damaged Taliban vehicle”

“In the details, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on Friday (12 Shawwal) on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Alingar) area of ​​(Laghman), which damaged it, and they also detonated a second bomb on Tuesday (16 Shawwal) on another militia vehicle, in (District 17) in the city of (Kabul), which led to its damage and the killing and wounding of about five members of it, praise be to God.”

  • “4 dead and wounded from the Taliban militia”

“On Sunday, Shawwal 14, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted two members of the Taliban militia in the area of (Norkel) in (Kunar), with automatic weapons, which led to the killing of one of them and wounding the other, and on Wednesday (17 Shawwal) they targeted two other members of the apostate militia, in (district 4) in the (Nangarhar) region, they were shot by a pistol, which led to their death, praise be to God.”

  • “The killing of two polytheists (Sikhs)”

“On the other hand, on Sunday (14 Shawwal) the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted two followers of the polytheistic (Sikh) sect, in the (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) area of (Peshawar), with a machine gun, which led to their killing, praise be to God.”

  • “Attack on Pakistani police headquarters”

“And on Tuesday (9 Shawwal) the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a headquarters of the apostate Pakistani police, in (Slarzo) in (Bajaur), with automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades, which led to material damage there, praise be to God.”

  • “Last week”

“The soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan had killed, during the past week, three members of the Taliban militia, wounded at least two, and damaged two of their vehicles. They also bombed positions of the Tajik forces near the border with Afghanistan and brought down an electricity tower, in five separate operations.”

  • “Two Taliban members were monitored before they were killed in an attack in (Nangarhar)”
  • “Two Sikhs were killed in the (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) area in (Peshawar)”

ISIS Al-Naba Newsletter Edition 340, Published May 26, 2022

  • “44 of the Rafidah and about 20 other Taliban and Pakistani police were killed and wounded in attacks and explosions in Khorasan”

“The operations of the soldiers of the Caliphate in Khorasan this week resulted in the killing and wounding of about 44 among the polytheistic Rafidah, and the destruction and damage of four of their vehicles. The operations also resulted in the killing and wounding of at least 17 members of the Taliban militia and the destruction and damage of five of their vehicles, in addition to the killing of two officers and a member of the Pakistani police.”

  • “11 dead, wounded, and a Taliban bus damaged”

“In the details, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted on Thursday (18 / Shawwal) an element of the apostate Taliban militia, in (District 4) in the city of (Talqan), with pistol shots, which led to his killing and they took advantage of his gun, and on the same day they detonated an explosive device on a bus It was carrying members of the militia, in (District 5) in the city (Mazar Sharif) in the (Balkh) region, which led to its damage and the killing and wounding of at least ten members there, praise be to God.”

  • “Seizing the rifle of a Taliban militia member after he was killed in (District 4) in (Talqan)”
  • “The assassination of an element and the damage of a Taliban vehicle”

“On Friday (19 Shawwal), the Mujahideen targeted a Taliban militia member, in the Watpur district of Kunar, with pistol shots, which led to his wounding, while on Saturday, they detonated an explosive device on a militia vehicle, in (District 6) of the city (Kabul), which led to its damage and the death and injury of those in it, all praise and gratitude be to God.”

  • “Martyrdom attack against the Taliban in Kabul”

“On Sunday (Shawwal 21), one of the martyrs of martyrdom, brother (Shahram Muwahed) - may God Almighty accept him - was able to reach a large hotel where the Taliban militia was holding a "memorial" ceremony for its decimated tyrant "Akhtar Mansour" on the airport road in (Kabul). He managed to bypass all the security fortifications imposed by the militia on the area, and advanced towards the hotel gate while a number of militia leaders and members were gathering, detonating his explosive belt among them, which resulted in the killing and wounding of a number of them and the destruction and damage of five vehicles, praise be to God. After the bombing, the Taliban militia imposed a great cover on the outcome of the explosion, as it targeted a "high-level ceremony" attended by the most prominent leaders of the militia.”

  • “Detonation and shooting down of 3 power towers”

“As part of the economic war, on the same day, the soldiers of the Caliphate booby-trapped and blew up three electricity towers in the area of ​​(Tenki Tashkargan) in (Samankan), which led to their downfall, praise be to God.”

  • “14 Rafidah militants killed and wounded in Kunduz”

“On the level of the war against the Rafidah, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted on Thursday (18 / Shawwal) four of the polytheistic Rafidah, in the city of (Kunduz), with pistol shots, which led to the killing of three and wounding the fourth. The next day, Friday, the Mujahideen detonated an explosive device on a vehicle of the polytheistic Rafidah during a funeral procession for their dead in the same city, which led to its damage and the killing and wounding of ten of them praise be to God.”

  • “30 Rafidis were killed and wounded in (Balkh)”

“On the same level, the Mujahideen detonated t-wo explosive devices on Wednesday (Shawwal 24) on two buses of the polytheistic Rafidah in (District 10) in the city (Mazar Sharif) in the Balkh region, and a third bomb on a third bus of the Rafidah in (District 5) in the same city, causing as a result of its destruction, the killing and wounding of about 30 Rafidis, praise be to God.”

  • “Burning a bus carrying Taliban militia members by detonating an explosive device in (Balkh)”
  • “3 Pakistani policemen killed in Peshawar”

“On the other hand, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted on Thursday (18/Shawwal) an officer of the apostate Pakistani police, inside his vehicle in the city of (Peshawar), with automatic weapons, which led to the killing of him along with an accompanying element and the damage to the vehicle, and they also targeted on Wednesday (24/Shawwal) another officer in the same city, shot by a pistol, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • “Last week”

“The soldiers of the Caliphate had killed and wounded during the past week nine Taliban militia members and damaged their vehicles, and killed two (Sikh) polytheists, and attacked the headquarters of the Pakistani police and caused material damage.”

  • “The killing of a Pakistani police officer inside his vehicle in an attack in the city of (Peshawar), in which there were separate operations in Khorasan.”
  • “Operations of the soldiers of the caliphate in Wilayat Khorasan: 14 operations, 1 martyrdom, 5 assassinations, 8 bombings; 29 Taliban killed and wounded, 3 Pakistani police, 44 Rafideh and mushikreen, 10 vehicles destroyed, 3 electrical pylons destroyed”

II. Sample of Pro-ISIS Online Chatter

  • May 2: Telegram post stating that the Taliban outlawed the cultivation and manufacture of drugs so that the price would increase, the post claims that drug laboratories are operating at maximum capacity.

“A roadside shop selling opium in Helmand Province, southern Afghanistan. The apostate Taliban militia imposed a ban on the cultivation and production of drugs, in order to increase their price in the market and increase their production several times.

About $1,400, an increase of $800 over its pre-limit price, i.e. an increase of 120%. In Helmand, for example, more than 5 laboratories are now operating at maximum capacity! The former largest factory near Nimroz County has been reactivated! He was the property of the so-called Escobar of Afghanistan!!

It is no wonder that the apostate Taliban forces saw the crescent of Shawwal on a night without a crescent moon and from 27 locations.”

  • May 2: Telegram post stating that residents of Panjshir celebrated Eid on Monday despite the Taliban proclaiming Eid on Sunday, the post states that the residents resisted being stopped by the Taliban.

“#khurasan. The residents of Panjshir perform the Eid prayer today, Monday, in violation of the Ramadan breakers, who tried to disperse them, but the worshipers resisted and expelled them.”

  • May 5: Telegram post stating that methamphetamine production has begun in Afghanistan, and that the Taliban do not interfere because they need the revenue.

“#khurasan. It was and still is known that the drug trade during the era of the apostate Taliban militia flourished on an unprecedented scale, but it was not expected, in addition to the traditional heroin and opium, that the deadly drug methamphetamine was actively produced in Afghanistan.

At the same time, the apostate Taliban militia, due to the fact that they are unable to produce anything other than drugs, do not interfere in such an act, realizing that this is now, in fact, the only major source of filling their pockets.”

  • May 5: Telegram post claiming that the Taliban allowed water from the Kamal Khan Dam to flow to Iran, leaving Afghan farmers with water shortages

“#khurasan. There is no water left in the Kamal Khan Dam after the apostate Taliban militia allowed the dam's water to flow into Iran.

  • May 5: Telegram post stating that the Taliban is ready to negotiate with the U.S. on ‘foreign issues’ but that the Taliban do not control Afghanistan and did not defeat the U.S., meaning that there is nothing they can negotiate with.

“The apostate Taliban militia says it is ready to negotiate with America on ‘foreign issues’

They falsely claim to have defeated America

They falsely claim that they have taken complete control of the country

They falsely claim to be a powerful government

What do they really want to negotiate then?!”

  • May 5: Telegram post regarding the price of methamphetamine in Afghanistan and Eastern Europe.

“#khurasan. A report to Washington in the middle of the boom in the manufacture of the dangerous drug methamphetamine.

Half a kilogram of the deadly drug is sold for about $250 in central Afghanistan and the Farah desert, and its price reaches +40 thousand dollars in Eastern European countries.

  • May 7: Telegram post stating that anti-Taliban forces in Panjshir continue to inflict losses against the Taliban.

“#khurasan. #Banjshir is still resistant to the apostate #Taliban militia. Within a week, the militia received heavy losses in its ranks at the hands of the resistance militia, including a leader. And the apostate resistance was able to expel the apostate Taliban militia from Dora neighborhood, and violent clashes took place the day before yesterday in more than 13 locations in the region.”

  • May 7: Telegram post stating that following losses in combat, the Taliban have arrested village leaders as retaliation.

“After receiving painful blows from the apostate resistance militia, the apostate Taliban pours out its anger on the common people and arrests the elders of the village of Jahrali.”

  • May 7: Telegram post stating that different Taliban factions are fighting over a gold mine and zakat from livestock.

“#khurasan. Local sources confirmed that the Arghangkhah Taliban movement and the Taliban movement (groups affiliated with the apostate Taliban militia) clashed in Badakhshan over a gold mine and livestock zakat in Shiva. Sources say that the apostate Taliban militia in Kandahar, which supports the Taliban movement, wants to arrest the governor of Arghangha district.”

  • May 7: Telegram post stating that the Taliban are sending Pashtun units to Panjshir because they do not trust non-Pashtuns to fight.

“#khurasan. After the successive defeats in #Panjshir, the apostate Taliban militia sent Pashtun elements after it did not trust foreigners in its ranks.”

  • May 7: Telegram post stating that a Sufi scholar who is also a member of the Taliban insulted Salafism and Wahhabism, and that the Taliban kill followers of those two movements.

“One of the polytheistic Sufi religious scholars and a member of the apostate Taliban militia insults Salafism and Wahhabism and even detracts from the Sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may God have mercy on him, the destroyer of their polytheistic religion.

These unclean dogs have reached the limit by describing the two sheikhs Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab as dogs of the people of Hell. The apostate Taliban kills the people of monotheism and abandons the people of heresy, polytheism and unbelief.”

  • May 8: Telegram post stating that the Taliban kills Salafi civilians claiming that they are “Wahhabis” while uniting with Shiites.

“While the Taliban militia kills the Salafi civilians on the pretext that they are ‘Wahhabis,’ as the Shiites use the same name for Muslims, and they kill them under the same pretext; Militia leaders make brotherhood with the Shiites and bring them closer and call them ‘our brothers in religion and homeland.’”

  • May 8: Telegram post stating that the Taliban have been embarrassed by ISIS-K’s attack on the Tajik military. The Taliban have been unable to stop attacks from Afghan soil, they cannot protect Shiites, they are failing in their promises to the international community, and their strength is overestimated.

“Military Analyst. The bombing of the Tajik army in his country recently with seven missiles makes the Taliban in an embarrassing situation #again.

- As the neighboring countries see it as incapable of imposing stability in the region, as the Taliban, despite its repeated and frantic campaigns, was not able to provide security for its Shiite people, and Afghanistan was also a springboard for the bombing of the Uzbek army during Ramadan, and today it is a source of undermining the stability of the Tajik government Except that the militia itself is being attacked in Kabul and on the #Chinese border and loses its leaders inside #Afghanistan.

- All this makes the Taliban in the eyes of the international community unable to impose security and stability, after it had promised them that!, which makes them blame it, and lose a lot of its prestige and prestige among the people of the region and its governments as well, as they began to see it in its true size after the media simultaneously exaggerated it With the US withdrawal.

Is the Taliban unable to remedy the situation? - Or will it remain under the unenviable international pressure and in turn put pressure on the Afghans on the one hand, and distract itself from providing security at the expense of providing services to its people on the other!?, the best of the two options imposed on it by the state of Khoras-An-Murr!! #military_analyst”

  • May 8: Telegram post stating that the Taliban and Tajiks both denied that the attack on Tajik forces took place, but that Tajikistan entered Afghan airspace and the Taliban released a video showing the evidence of the bombing.

“#feedback. Both sides (the Tajik and the Taliban) denied the first bombing, and the subsequent reaction of the Tajik army by penetrating the Afghan airspace, as well as the appearance of a clip filmed by the apostate Taliban militia members showing the place and the pipes used in the bombing, exposing the lies of the apostate tyrants.”

  • May 8: Telegram post stating that the Taliban are beating people in Panjshir after suffering losses to the resistance there.

“#khurasan. This is how the apostate Taliban militia deals with the residents of Panjshir after it received painful defeats and heavy losses in its ranks by the apostate resistance.”

  • May 8: Telegram post stating that Iran, who has close ties to the Taliban, are meeting with Bashar al-Assad of Syria, showing that the Taliban have no honor.

“#Knight.  The lovers of the apostate #Taliban _ militia and their brothers in religion receive the Nusayri butcher, the killer of the people of #Sham. And let's not forget that the sheriff of the strife and its actual ruler, the sword of apostasy, are there as well.”

  • May 9: Telegram post claiming that the Taliban arrested and tortured a shepherd because he had binoculars.

“#khurasan. The apostate Taliban militia arrested a shepherd in possession of binoculars, and they beat and tortured him and presented him as spying on them. Despite his family and acquaintances confirming that the sheikh always carries his binoculars to watch his sheep.”

  • May 9: Telegram post stating that Sufi members of the Taliban incite the killing of Salafis.

“#khurasan. Lovers of the apostate Sufi militia of the Taliban, the polytheists who openly declare their hostility to the two Sheikhs Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, may God have mercy on them, in the Taliban forums and in the presence of their leaders, and incite the killing of Salafi Muslims.”

  • May 9: Telegram post stating that civilians are fleeing into the mountains in Panjshir after the Taliban arrested and killed hundreds of civilians.

“#khurasan. Dozens of families in Panjshir fled towards the mountains for fear of the apostate Taliban militia, after the latter arrested hundreds and killed many commoners on suspicion.”

  • May 10: Telegram post stating that the Taliban Minister of Foreign Affairs said that all Afghans, regardless of religious denomination, have equal rights.

“The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the apostate Taliban militia Amir Khan Muttaki said in a meeting with Rafidah clerics and other public figures on Saturday that Afghan citizens, both Sunnis and Rafidis, enjoy equal rights. He added that the opiate brewer did not want Afghanistan to once again be the center of conflict between the great powers.”

  • May 11: Telegram post claiming intelligence cooperation between the Taliban and the Pakistani ISI and claiming that the ISI plays an important role in Taliban decision making.

“#khurasan. Frequent reports of intelligence cooperation between GDI (Taliban Apostate Militia Intelligence) and ISI (Pakistan Apostate Intelligence), two elements of Taliban Apostate Militia Intelligence from a district will be trained in a workshop of Pakistan Intelligence. It is reported that the intelligence of #Pakistan has an arm and a leg in the decisions of the apostate #Taliban.”

  • May 13: Telegram post claiming that ISIS-K has arrested two men in Ghazni for cooperating with Iranian intelligence, the post alleges this is a joke because of the close relationship between Iran and the Taliban.

“#joke_of the century. The apostate Taliban militia arrested two people in Ghazni on charges of cooperating with Iranian intelligence in Ghazni.”

  • May 13: Telegram post mocking the Taliban for sending condolences to the United Arab Emirates after the death of President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

“#khurasan. She also attributed her condolences to the destruction of tyrants and intelligence officers, the apostate Taliban militia officially expressed its condolences to the family of the tyrant of the Hebrew wines. We are in a blessed hour, we ask God to gather you both in the bottom of Hell.”

  • May 14: Telegram post claiming that different factions of the Taliban are fighting each other in Kandahar over control of poppy cultivation.

“#khurasan. In Maiwand and Khakrez districts of Kandahar, clashes erupted between the apostate Taliban because of poppy crops on land owned by senior militia officials, and that there were disputes with local residents about their cultivation and harvest.

The news of the conflict was also confirmed by sources from the militia in Kandahar.

Last week, heavy fighting also broke out for the same reason in Nawzad, Musa Qala and Khanshin districts of Helmand province.”

  • May 14: Telegram post stating that the Taliban have corrupt religious doctrine, just like al-Qaeda, because they sent condolences to the UAE after the death of President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan and were angered by the killing of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was Christian.

“Yesterday, the Taliban denounced and angered those who died of Christianity, and today they offer condolences to the imams of apostasy in the Emirates. The bottom line is that they are not fleeting mistakes, but a corrupt doctrine. A copy of Al-Qaeda: ‘These are your leaders.’”

  • May 17: Telegram post stating that the Iranian deputy minister of trade was negotiating with the Taliban regarding the opening of Iranian mining projects in Afghanistan.

“#khurasan. Negotiations took place in #Afghanistan between the Deputy Minister of Trade, Majusi in the field of mining, Reza Mohtashamipura, and the apostate Taliban militia. The topic of discussion was the start of the business of Magian mining companies to work in #Afghanistan.

According to the Iranian side, the conversation was positive, and the apostate Taliban militia supports this initiative. Afghanistan is a country rich in many minerals that are of interest to the Magi.”

  • May 17: Telegram post stating that the UN is considering allowing the Taliban to join if they institute and protect women’s rights policies.

“#khurasan. The envoy of the atheist nations discusses the candidate of the apostate Taliban militia for a seat in the atheist nations, they discuss the implementation of women's rights inspired by the religion of Satan.”

  • May 17: Telegram post condemning the Taliban for offering condolences to the UAE, and mocking al-Qaeda for not criticizing the Taliban.

“The movement of the Taliban apostates consoles the Hindus, the children of Zayed, on the death of their tyrant and have mercy on him. A delegation of Taliban apostates visit the UAE to offer condolences

Of course, Al-Qaeda, which sees their guardians from among the leaders of the Taliban in this situation, as if they are deaf, dumb, blind

There is no difference between al-Qaeda and the sheikhs of the al-Salouli tyrant in anything

Indeed, by God, the sheikhs of Al Salul are closer to excuses than they are. For if their followers had sought an excuse for them, they would have said that they fear prisons and whips. But al-Qaeda has nothing to frighten them in denial of evil except that they are revolting against hypocrisy, charlatanism, and covering up the Taliban. fuck you. Even the prohibition against evil was snatched from you.”

  • May 19: Telegram post condemning the Taliban for constructing a replica of al-Aqsa Mosque in Kabul, noting that it is not the Dome of the Rock, and that the Taliban are wasting money while people starve.

“#khurasan.  The Municipality of Kabul announces the construction of a model of Al-Aqsa Mosque in the roundabout of the fifth district.

First, this is the anthropomorphic Dome of the Rock, which the infidel West and the Jews have been striving to localize the idea that it is the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to distort the truth.

Secondly, in a country more than 90% of its people are below the poverty line, they waste money on structures that do not benefit the cause and do not sing from the hunger of the people.”

  • May 19: Telegram post criticizing Sirajuddin Haqqani for stating that women should wear the veil, but that the Taliban would not enforce its wearing.

“#See. The actual ruler of the apostate Taliban militia, the intelligence Haqqani, the commander of the Haqqani branch in the center of the militia, answers in response to the infidel's question about imposing the veil: ‘We will not impose the veil, but we will remind of its necessity from time to time...’

The apostate acknowledges that the veil is a legal obligation and duty, but the apostate militia will not impose it by force

These are the owners of the slanderers of the tarat and their dementia.”

  • May 21: Telegram post mocking the Taliban for having forbidden their members from marrying more than once in order to avoid spending on weddings, however not ‘forbidding’ receiving salaries from foreign intelligence agencies. The post states that Abdul Ghani Baradar recently flew to the UAE on a private chartered plane at exorbitant prices.

“#khurasan. In light of the suffocating economic crisis that the country is going through, it has made more than 90% of its people poor, and the apostate Taliban militia is trying to remedy the matter by preventing its members from marrying two, three and four in order to avoid expenses, and we do not forget to generalize the prevention of receiving two salaries from two different sides.

The Al-Nawahat Division, led by the apostate Brader, traveled to the state of the pubs on a chartered plane from Royal Jet, at a cost of $20,000 per hour. The round trip takes 7 hours and costs $120,000.”

  • May 21: Telegram post claiming that Taliban leaders are in the employ of the CIA.

“The Crusader alliance transfers Taliban leaders from Qatar hotels directly to Kandahar. And for you, you are in a play plotted by the CIA. Then you put us in employment and judge.”

  • May 21: Telegram post stating that Muhammad broke idols when he entered Mecca, whereas the Taliban protected idols and ‘polytheists’ when they entered Kabul.

“The first time the Prophet of God, Muhammad, entered Mecca, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. He broke idols and smashed them with his honorable hand.

When the Taliban entered Kabul, they protected the idols and polytheists. These two paths do not meet. For those in whose heart there is an atom of monotheism.”

  • May 24: Telegram post stating that ISIS-K has won the fight against the U.S. and the Taliban because of the killing of U.S. forces at the Kabul airport in August 2021. The post states the Taliban protected the U.S. troops at the airport.

“We won the war against America and the Taliban. We sent a message to the Muslims. We, the Islamic State, are killing the Marines and American soldiers. And the Taliban protect them. All propaganda against us has failed. The state of Islam is planning for the long term, praise be to God.”

  • May 24: Telegram post stating that the Taliban are killing Salafists and claiming to be eliminating ISIS-K.

“#khurasan. After the Al-Muwahhidun and those behind them displaced them and exposed their false claims of eliminating the Islamic state in Khorasan. The return of the crimes of liquidating the Salafists by the apostate Taliban militia, as they kidnapped another person.”

  • May 25: Telegram post claiming that the Taliban and the UAE are close to each other, even though the UAE had once offered to assassinate Taliban leaders.

“#khurasan. Moreover, the UAE even offered to assassinate the leaders of the apostate Taliban militia, and was against the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Today, they have become lovers, and the apostate consoles the tyrant in the destruction of the tyrant, and the apostate blesses the tyrant with his infidel rule, and gives him his airports to play with so that the infidel West is satisfied with him.”

  • May 26: Telegram post criticizing a Taliban leader for holding a wedding celebration, allegedly with public funds, while many in Afghanistan are impoverished and hungry, the post also criticizes the disruption to daily life, and the danger of celebratory gunfire.

“#khurasan. The wedding ceremony of a leader in the apostate Taliban militia…With Muslim money (bullets and vehicles) … not to mention the clamor, squandering public money in a time of poverty pervading the country, harming the road by disrupting traffic, and the great danger of heavy gunfire in the air in residential areas.”

  • May 26: Telegram post complaining that the Taliban have allowed the celebration of various Shiite, secular, and other holidays in Afghanistan.

“#khurasan. Celebrations of the apostate Taliban militia since it took power in Afghanistan:

Ashura (Rafidite holiday)

Arba'inah (Rafidi feast)

Yalda Night (The Feast of Zoroastrianism)

Condolences to the dead Soleimani (Rafadi)

The Rafidi Revolution Day

Valentine's Day (Crusader)

Women's Day (Secular Crusader)

Condolences to the dead, Abd Ali Mazari (Rafidhi)

Mahdi's birthday (Rafidhi)

Nowruz (Pagan Zoroastrian)

Liberation Day (secular)

World Book Day (secular holiday)

The day of the killing of Jaafar al-Sadiq (a Rafidi feast)

Other infidel preparation..”

  • May 27: Telegram post stating that Anas Haqqani told an Indian news channel that the Taliban wants good relations with Pakistan, India, and Iran.

“#See. The leader of the Haqqani Network, the apostate Anas Haqqani in an intervention on the Hindu channel News 18: ‘We have a good neighborhood with #Pakistan. We will establish good and friendly relations in our neighborhood, whether with #Iran or #India, the people of Afghanistan are tired of war, and we welcome every help from India and neighboring countries.’”

  • May 27: Telegram post stating that a member of the Taliban killed a Taliban intelligence commander, and that the alleged perpetrator was accused by the Taliban of sympathizing with ISIS-K and Salafism.

“#khurasan. ‘Our comrade Muhammad Shah (photo), who is in charge of the security belt of the fourth district of Badghis, shot and killed Habibullah who was the director of the intelligence department in the city. Then he escapes, and the Taliban must try to find him. Shah has tendencies towards the #Islamic_State and Salafism.’ An audio message from the elements of the apostate Taliban militia.”

  • May 27: Telegram post claiming that by “taming” the Taliban, the U.S. has “tamed” al-Qaeda, and that the organization is powerless to fight the Americans.

“America is well aware that by taming the Taliban, it has tamed al-Qaeda

The al-Zawahiri base organization was paralyzed in the face of al-Julani's betrayals and malice

As a result of what America did to the Taliban.

Whenever al-Zawahiri and those with him and his allies wanted to open their mouths to al-Julani and his apostate clique.

Except they reminded him of the Taliban, and they brought their actions to them

And they said to them: O hypocrites, if we did the deed, you would denounce, become upset, and growl

And if the Taliban did it for every torn shoe, you swallowed and kept silent?

O you hypocrites, do not meet us with a frowning face and the Taliban with a cheerful face

We both do the same thing and proceed from the same premise, which is:

Surrender and submission to the American will and clipping the nails of every weapon bearer who claims to be a Mujahid Qaidaji.

Thus, the Islamic state remained alone

And from God’s favor upon her is that she trampled all the mustaches of the hypocritical people from the beards of charlatans, the pretenders of piety, the bearers of monotheism of intelligence, the people of rubbish, the burners and the foolish.

Speech and verb dinosaurs zero behind zeros

The Islamic State proceeded to ignite its path with pure fuel from the blood of its princes and the faithful men of jihad, so God preserved for it its religion.

And this is the head of the supply that whoever loses it loses everything.”

42. May 28: Telegram post stating that the Taliban supports freedom of religion.

“#khurasan. The apostate Taliban militia officially believes in freedom of religion, whoever wants is safe and whoever wants is unbelief. #DemocraticTaliban. The official document was published by the official spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the apostate militia; Al-Murad Abdul Qahar Balkhi via his Twitter account.”

  • May 29: Telegram post claiming that according to the Abbottabad documents, Osama bin Laden considered the Taliban who negotiated with the U.S. to be “traitors and hypocrites.”

“#See. Al-Qaeda’s internal documents show that Sheikh Osama bin Laden, may God have mercy on him, and the renegade Baradar view the apostate Baradar and the negotiating team of the negotiating Taliban militia as traitors and hypocrites, according to the Abbottabad documents, which confirmed the veracity of the apostate militia itself.

Clip source:…

You can find more information about the speaker here: ...”

  • May 31: Telegram post criticizing the Taliban for calling for Muslim and Afghan unity, and calling those who would seek to divide Afghans along race, language or religion the enemies of Islam and Afghanistan.

“#khurasan. Deputy Prime Minister of the apostate Taliban militia, Abdul Salam Hanafi: ‘We respect Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq. The enemies of Islam and Afghanistan (playing on pagan chords) must not infiltrate our society and raise the issue of races, languages and religions. We are neither Shiites nor Sunnis, but we are all Muslims.’

  • May 31: Telegram post stating that the Taliban Foreign Minister urged India to reopen their embassy on an Indian news program.

“#khurasan. The apostate Muttaki preaches safety and security to the Hindus and urges them to reopen their embassy in Afghanistan: ‘We have strengthened security and similarly we will maintain the security of the Indian embassy.’”

III. ISIS Amaq Statements

  • May 1: As part of the “Battle of Revenge for the Two Sheikhs,” ISIS-K claims have injured two Taliban members in Kunar using an explosive device

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, within the expedition of revenge for the two sheikhs, the soldiers of the Caliphate blew up an explosive device on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in the Suki area in (Kennar) yesterday, which led to its damage and the injury of two members in it, and praise be to God.”

  • May 3: As part of the “Battle of Revenge for the Two Sheikhs,” ISIS-K claims to have killed a Pakistani police officer in Waziristan

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, as part of the battle of revenge for the two sheikhs, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted an officer in the apostate Pakistani police, in the Wana area south of Wazir Stan yesterday, with pistol shots, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • May 7: ISIS-K claims to have injured the governor of Khiwa district in Nangarhar and several other people traveling with him

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on the vehicle of the governor of the (Khiwa) region of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Achin) region in (Nanjarhar), which led to the injury of him and a number of his companions and the damage to the vehicle, and praise be to God.”

  • May 7: ISIS-K claims to have attacked the headquarters of the Tajik army in Takhar with seven short range missiles

“Khorasan Province With the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate bombed the headquarters of the apostate Tajik army, near the border area (Khawaja Ghar) in (Takhar), with seven (Katyusha) missiles, and praise be to God.”

  • May 8: ISIS-K claims to have injured two Taliban soldiers in Kunar using explosives

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on two members of the apostate Taliban militia, in the village of (Dikul) in the (Suki) region of (Kannar) yesterday, which led to their injury, and praise and favor be to God.”

  • May 9:  ISIS-K claims to have killed three Taliban soldiers and damaged a vehicle and barracks in an attack in Nangarhar

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a barracks of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Muhammad Darah) area in (Nanjarhar) yesterday, with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, which led to the killing of 3 members and the destruction of a vehicle and damage to the barracks, and praise be to God.”

  • May 12: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a Pakistani police headquarters in Bajaur

“Khorasan Province With the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a headquarters of the apostate Pakistani police, in the (Slarzu) area in (Bajaur) the day before yesterday, with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades, which led to material damage there, and praise be to God.”

  • May 14: ISIS-K claims to have damaged a Taliban vehicle with an IED in Laghman

“Khurasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in (Alingar) area in (Laghman) yesterday, which led to its damage, praise be to God.”

  • May 15: ISIS-K claims to have killed two Sikhs in Peshawar

“Khorasan Province With the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted two followers of the polytheistic Sikh sect, in (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) in (Peshawar), with a machine gun, which led to their killing, and praise and favor be to God.”

  • May 17: ISIS-K claims to have killed and wounded five members of the Taliban in an IED attack on a vehicle in Kabul

“Khurasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in (North 17) in the city of (Kabul), which led to its wrecking and killing and wounding about 5 members, and praise be to God.”

  • May 18: ISIS-K claims to have killed two members of the Taliban in Nangarhar

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted two members of the apostate Taliban militia, in (North District 4) in the (Nanjarhar) region, with pistol shots, which led to their killing, praise be to God.”

  • May 18: ISIS-K claims to have killed one Taliban soldier and injured another in an attack in Kunar

“Khorasan Province, with the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted two members of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Nurkel) area in (Kinnar), last Sunday, with automatic weapons, which led to the killing of one of them and the injury of the other, and praise be to God.”

  • May 19: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a bus carrying Talban soldiers in Mazar-i-Sharif, killing and wounding approximately ten

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a bus that was loaded with elements of the apostate Taliban militia, in (Nabih 5) in the city (Mazar Sharif) in the (Balkh) region, which led to its wrecking and killing and wounding about 10 members at least in it, and praise be to God.”

  • May 19: ISIS-K claims to have killed two Shiites and injured one in Kunduz

“Khorasan Province, with the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted 3 of the polytheistic Rafidah, in the city of (Kunduz), with pistol shots, which led to the killing of two of them and the injury of the third, and praise be to God.”

  • May 19: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Pakistani police officer and “his accompanying member” in Peshawar

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted an officer in the apostate Pakistani police, inside his vehicle in (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) in (Peshawar), with automatic weapons, which led to his killing and his accompanying member and the damage of the vehicle, and praise and favor be to God.”

  • May 19: ISIS-K claims to have killed a member of the Taliban in Taleqan

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a member of the apostate Taliban militia, in (District 4) in the city of (Talqan), with pistol shots, which led to his killing and seizing his gun, and praise be to God.”

  • May 20: ISIS-K claims to have killed or wounded ten people in an attack with an IED on a vehicle in Kunduz

“Khorasan Province. By the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a vehicle of the infidels in the city (Kunduz), by detonating an explosive device, which led to the killing and wounding of at least 10 of them, and praise and favor be to God.”

  • May 22: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Taliban member in Kunar

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a member of the apostate Taliban militia, in the (Watpur) area in (Kunar) the day before yesterday, with pistol shots, which led to his severe injury, and praise and favor be to God.”

  • May 22: ISIS-K claims to have killed and wounded several Taliban members in an attack near a hotel in Kabul

“Khorasan Province: dead and wounded from the apostate Taliban militia, including leaders, in a martyrdom bombing that targeted a gathering of them in the capital (Kabul)

With the help of God Almighty, one of the knights of martyrdom, Brother (Shahram Muwahed) – May god accept him- set out towards a security barrier for the apostate Taliban militia, in front of the gate of a hotel where an annual party was held for the militia in (District 10) in the city of (Kabul), and after leaders of the militia left, they were on board vehicles. They were mediated by the martyrdom brother and detonated his explosive belt, which resulted in many dead and wounded in their ranks, including the elements of the barrier, and the destruction and damage of number of their vehicles, praise and gratitude be to God.”

  • May 22: ISIS-K claims to have killed and wounded an unknown number of Taliban members in a suicide attack on a hotel in Kabul (related to above)

“Dead and wounded in the ranks of the Taliban militia in a martyrdom attack by the fighters of the Islamic State in the capital, Kabul.

Khorasan – Kabul – Amaq Agency: A number of dead and wounded were among the Taliban militia in a martyrdom attack by Islamic State fighters in the Afghan capital, Kabul.

Security sources told Amaq agency that an Islamic State fighter managed to reach a large hotel on Sunday where the Taliban militia were holding a memorial ceremony for its former commander, Akhtar Mansour, near Hamid Karzai airport in Kabul. The source pointed out that the martyrdom fighter managed to penetrate all the security barriers imposed by the militia around the area and advanced towards the hotel gate where a number of militia leaders and members gathered, then detonated his explosive belt among them, killing and destroying and damaging 5 mechanisms.”

  • May 23: ISIS-K claims to have destroyed a Taliban vehicle in Kabul with explosives, killing and injuring those inside

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate blew up an explosive device on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in (District 6) in the city of (Kabul) the day before yesterday, which led to its damage and the death and injury of those in it, praise be to God.”

  • May 23: Claim that ISIS-K fighters destroyed three electrical towers in Samangan province

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, within the economic war, the soldiers of the Caliphate booby-trapped and blew up 3 electricity towers in the area of (Tenki Taskarghan) in (Samankan) yesterday, which led to its downfall, and praise be to God.”

  • May 25: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Pakistani police officer in Peshawar

“Khurasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted an officer in the apostate Pakistani police, in the city of (Peshawar), with pistol shots, which led to his death, praise be to God.”

  • May 25: ISIS-K claims to have killed 30 Shiites in Mazar-i-Sharif in three bus bombings

“Khorasan Province: 30 Rafidah were killed and wounded, and 3 buses were destroyed in bombings in Balkh region, northern Afghanistan.

With the success of God Almighty, the soldiers of the caliphate detonated two explosive devices on two buses of the infidels in (the 10th district) in the city (Mazar-i-Sharif) in (Balkh), and a third bomb a third bus in (the 5th district) in the same city, which resulted in its destruction, killing and wounding about 30 Rafidis, thanks to God.”

  • May 26: ISIS-K claims to have injured a member of the Pakistani army in Peshawar

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a member of the apostate Pakistani army in (Barah Akakhil) area in the city (Peshawar), with a pistol weapon, which led to his injury, praise be to God.”

  • May 29: ISIS-K claims to have killed and wounded three Taliban members in an attack on a vehicle with explosives in Kabul

“Khorasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate detonated an explosive device on a vehicle of the apostate Taliban militia, in (the 11th district) in the city of (Kabul), which led to its damage and the killing and wounding of 3 members on board, and praise be to God.”

  • May 30: ISIS-K claims to have killed a Taliban spy in Nangarhar

“Khorasan Province With the help of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate yesterday killed a spy for the apostate Taliban militia after he was captured earlier in the (Nanjarhar) area, and praise be to God.”

  • May 30: ISIS-K claims to have attacked a Pakistani police barracks in Peshawar, injuring one

“Khurasan Province, by the grace of God Almighty, the soldiers of the Caliphate targeted a barracks of the apostate Pakistani police, in the city of (Peshawar) yesterday, with automatic weapons, which led to the injury of an element, praise be to God.”

IV. Amaq photo set released on May 11, 2022

“The soldiers of the Caliphate bombarded the positions of the apostate Tajik army near the border area of (Khawaja Ghar) in (Takhar) with (Katyusha) missiles.”

V. Amaq video released on May 11, 2022

“Islamic State fighters bombed positions of the Tajik forces last Saturday near the border province of Takhar in northern Afghanistan”

Video description: A 17 second video that allegedly shows rockets being fired towards Tajik forces.

VI. Voice of Khurasan Web Magazine Issue 5, Released by al-Azaim Media Foundation on May 2, 2022

Introduction: Eid Greetings form Wilayat Khurasan

Article 1: Allies of the Jews and Mushrikeen

  • Jews and polytheists are at the top of the ISIS enemies list because of their “arrogance.”
  • Historically the only times that Jews and “polytheists” had an alliance was to fight against Muslims in Ahzab (Battle of the Trench).
  • Today Israel and India are allied. The only thing they have in common is their hatred of Islam and Muslims and occupying Muslim lands.
  • Disbelievers can never be your allies.
  • India is waging war against Muslims and Islam. Hindus in India do not want Muslims to have equal rights.
  • Muslim rulers, including King Salman in Saudi Arabia, Ibrahim Mohamed Salih in the Maldives, and Mohammad bin Zayed of the UAE have entered into friendships with India.
  • ISIS has wrongly been described as agents of Israel. ISIS attacks against Israel during Ramadan disprove this.
  • Gulf states have made friends with Israel through “normalization.”
  • Turkey has also sought friendly relations with Israel and threw a reception for the visiting Israeli president.
  • Erdogan has only feigned to support the Palestinians for domestic votes and to help his own popularity.

Article 2: Tawhid and the Purpose of Creation Part 1

  • All people were created for a reason.
  • Importance of Islam and monotheism.
  • Modernization has distorted Islam.
  • All messengers have been sent to teach people to worship Allah alone.
  • Those who commit idolatry will never be allowed into heaven.

Article 3: They Intend to Put Out the Light of Allah with Their Tongues

  • The Taliban promised not to allow attacks from Afghan soil in the deal they signed with the US.
  • ISIS-K attacked Uzbek forces with 10 Katyusha rockets.
  • ISIS-K has also attacked within Pakistan many times.
  • ISIS-K does not recognize human made borders like the Taliban.

Article 4: Inabah: The Characteristic of Ibrahim Alayhi’Salaam That We Need to Review

  • Importance of Islam and monotheism.
  • Inabah is composed of four parts: 1) Loving Allah, 2) Humility towards Allah, 3) Turning to Allah alone, 4) Only looking to Allah for worship and devotion.
  • It is important to perform good deeds along with mandatory religious obligations.
  • Allah is merciful.

Infographic: Harvest of the Soldiers for the Month of Ramadan

  • Total operations: 30
  • 237 total casualties
  • 19 IED attacks, 8 targeted killings, three ambushes, 10 rockets fired at Uzbekistan
  • 22 Taliban soldiers killed, two “spies” killed, 130 “Rawafid” civilians killed, three “evil scholars killed,” three Pakistani police and soldiers killed.
  • 14 destroyed or damaged vehicles.
  • Attack locations:
    • Afghanistan: Balkh, Nangarhar, Logar, Kabul, Kunduz, Takhar, Badakhshan
    • Pakistan: Bajaur Agency, Waziristan
    • Uzbekistan

Article 5: The Media and Psychological Warfare

  • Media is necessary to spread defeatism to ISIS’s enemies and to show ISIS’s reach and strength.
  • All media technologies must be used.
  • It is important to spread rumors, spread fear, and deceive the enemy.

VII. Pro-ISIS Voice of Khurasan Web Magazine Issue 6, Released by al-Azaim Media Foundation on May 17, 2022

Article 1: The Putrid Fruits of Democracy

  • Democracies have no defined ethical values, and people are not compelled to be moral.
  • Democracies destroy family structures and promote adultery. Divorce rates are high in democracies.
  • Democracies allow same sex relationships and traditional gender roles are not taught.
  • Alcohol, drugs, pornography, and sex work are all allowed in democracies.
  • Citizens of democratic states do not look out for each other, homelessness is rampant in democratic societies.
  • People are spiritually bankrupt and pursue money instead of family life.
  • Politicians lie in democratic states, and this is accepted by the population as an inevitability.
  • People don’t actually choose their leaders. They are manipulated by the media into selecting a pre-ordained candidate.
  • Democracies are responsible for imperialism and colonization, and democratic states use the resources of the countries they invade.
  • Democracies are rife with racism and discrimination.
  • Democracies discriminate against Muslims especially, and have violated the rights of Muslims in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib prison. No one has been punished for these abuses.
  • In democratic states, Muslims are detained without access to lawyers, and are often held without charge.
  • Children are indoctrinated into immorality through educational institutions.
  • In the judicial system, juries are often wrong.
  • Democracies are imperfect, institutions are fallible. Living in a religious state is much better because it is ruled according to religious dictates.

Article 2: The Media War is Upon the Islamic State

  • There are many groups that seek to spread propaganda about ISIS as a form of psychological warfare.
  • Information in media is distorted. The media refuses to report about ISIS in some cases, they spread doubt amongst ISIS fighters, they exaggerate the strength of the West, they spread misinformation. The media repeats lies over and over, they belittle ISIS, they blame ISIS for abuses that the West has actually committed.
  • The West promotes hypocrites.
  • These are all forms of psychological warfare used in order to convince people that ISIS is unjust or has no change of winning.
  • It is important for supporters of ISIS to fight these lies and distortions wherever you are.

Article 3: Nationalism is Rotten

  • Islam is for everyone regardless of their tribe, ethnicity, class, or country of origin.
  • There is no favoritism in Islam based on wealth or status.
  • The West has sought to divide Muslims by promoting nationalist groups in Turkey and Middle Eastern countries.
  • Western colonialism further divided Muslims, by separating them into weak states. Patriotism was used to mobilize an anti-colonial struggle against the West, but this inculcated nationalism.
  • Muslims’ adherence to nationalism has allowed them to sit by while Muslims are killed in China, Myanmar, and India.
  • Groups like the Taliban, Hamas, and Muslim Brotherhood are nationalists.

Article 4: Taliban: Guardians of Shirk

  • The Taliban are the same as the Ottoman state, they allow idolatry.
  • The Taliban allow Shiites and Sufis to practice their religion.
  • The Taliban describe Shiites and Sufis as “brothers.”
  • The Taliban want to please others.
  • The Taliban have approved the celebration of non-Sunni and non-Muslim holidays.
  • The Taliban claim that Shiites and non-Muslims have equal rights to Sunnis.
  • Abu Mohammad al-Adnani: the difference between ISIS and al-Qaeda is that the latter endorsed popular revolution and secularism.

Article 5: The Value of Dua and Takbir When Facing the Enemy

  • Importance of making dua before battle and making tabkir, because it motivates your forces and demoralizes your opponent.

VIII. Pro-ISIS Asawirti Media Video “The Crusade: Shaming Tactics”

The video is approximately 15 minutes.

  • The U.S. defeated the Taliban and al-Qaeda by manipulating both groups into giving up “the doctrine of their former leaders.”
  • The U.S. is okay with the existence of states that claim to be Islamic (Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan), as long as they stay within their own borders and “recognize the supremacy of the western system over the word.”
    • These countries must also accept and implement human rights regimes and women’s rights.
  • The Taliban have turned from an Islamic movement to a nationalist movement.
  • ISIS does not recognize the supremacy of the Western system over the world.
    • ISIS does not recognize the borders between Muslims.
  • The U.S. forced both the Taliban to disavow al-Qaeda, and al-Qaeda to abandon the doctrine of Osama bin Ladin.
  • The Taliban are portrayed as protecting ancient religious statues and coordinating with the U.S. to fight ISIS-K.
  • While it appears that the U.S. was defeated militarily in Afghanistan, in fact the U.S. established ideological dominance over the Taliban, forcing them to play by the rules of the international system, which is financially, militarily, and politically controlled by the U.S.
  • States that claim to be Islamic, but are in fact nationalist, are a ploy to fool Muslims.
  • All governments, including the Taliban, are slaves to the U.S.
  • The video celebrates the ISIS-K bombing at the Kabul airport on 26, 2021.
  • The Taliban are hypocrites and are the tool of the U.S. in the fight against ISIS-K.
    • The Taliban want to be part of the UN.

To the people of Afghanistan: do not sell your blood to the traitorous Taliban who do the bidding of the U.S. Join ISIS-K, we do not recognize borders between Muslims, we want to restore all the Muslim countries occupied by the West.

Daily Dose

Extremists: Their Words. Their Actions.


On May 8, 2019, Taliban insurgents detonated an explosive-laden vehicle and then broke into American NGO Counterpart International’s offices in Kabul. At least seven people were killed and 24 were injured.

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